Chapter 20

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Truly Splitsville

Ram Kapoor and Juhi Singh are no more!

When the engagement was self-made billionaire Ram Kapoor, and pageant winner, Juhi Singh was announced earlier this year, it was expected to be the wedding of the century.

In a dramatic turn of events, the couple seem to have called it quits.

In an exclusive interview with Ram Kapoor, himself, he confirmed that the earlier rumours are indeed true and he and his fiancée – or should we say ex-fiancée – are no longer together.

Kapoor, however, did not disclose the reasons behind the split, nor the whereabouts of Juhi Singh in this instance, but he has confirmed beyond reasonable doubt, that the couple's highly anticipated wedding, will not happen.

What does this mean for the young pair?

"Are you sleeping?!"

Jenni's voice pierced through any dreams that I could have possibly been having and I sat up so fast that I got whiplash.

"I awake," I said, quickly, defensively.

She sat on the edge of my desk and smirked at me.

I lifted my eyes too look at her and just dropped my head back on to my desk.

"Why do you look so cocky?" I asked her, my voice echoing in the cocoon that I had made with my arms.

"Oh, nothing," Jenni said, in a singing voice. I could practically picture her tossing her hair over her shoulder. And I knew it definitely wasn't nothing so, I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me and waited for her to offer me an explanation. "I just thought you'd like to know that I figured it out."

"Figured what out?" I asked, almost bored.

I heard a scuffling noise, but I didn't raise my head.

"I figured out who your lover boy is," Jenni sang.

I raised my head, confused. "Are you talking about rajat?" I asked. Jenni would never refer to Rajat as lover boy, though.

She shook her head. "God, I don't care about that idiot. You know how much I hate him. I'm not talking about him."

"Then, who are you talking about?" I asked, genuinely confused.

Jenni smirked and raised an eyebrow at me. "A certain billion-dollar lover boy," she amended, looking extremely happy with herself.

My heart began to race at the thought of Ram, but I gave her a questioning look.

Jenni's smirk deepened. "Ram."

I felt my eyes widen, but I immediately toned it down. It was too late, though. Jenni already had a look on her face that told me she caught me. I brushed it off. "What about Ram?" I asked.

"Oh, you tried, Priya, you really tried on that one," she said, in between laughing, "But I've known you for years. Look at you. You're all pink."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, offhandedly, wiping my face even though I knew there was nothing I could do to wipe the blush off.

"Priya," Jenni sighed and leaned over the table, "I know you, babe. I couldn't place exactly what it was, but the pancakes and you began singing to yourself. I'm not complaining about the singing, babe, you're not a bad singer. I mean, you're no Adele, but you're not screeching in my ear, either. It's just that Rajat never had you singing, ever. The pancakes in the unmarked box did concern me and you telling me that their wedding was off did set off some alarm bells, but the icing on the cake was when I saw this article in the paper."

She tossed the paper on to my desk and I looked at it.

My heart had swelled a little knowing how Ram had gone out of his way to sit down for an interview to make sure that everyone knew he was no longer with Juhi.

"I mean, it was pretty easy to see that those two just were not right for each other. They would have killed each other. Or Juhi would have eaten his head on their wedding night after mating, like the praying mantis that she is."

I scoffed at that comment.

"But everything put together, I have come to the conclusion that Ram and Juhi had been broken up for a long time and Ram finally came to his senses and I don't know – did you get some?"


Jenni shrugged. "What? You're both consenting adults who aren't in other relationships. Babe, if you're going to get some, you should get some from a hot billionaire. It's just what you deserve."

My mouth was hanging open.

Jenni reached over and closed my mouth. "Close that Venus Fly Trap of yours and tell me that I'm right."

I leaned back in my chair and stared at her. "I'm sorry, is your name Jenni Holmes? I don't remember hiring a detective."

Jenni laughed. "Babe, I've known you long enough and I know you well enough. Don't you think you could tell if I had a boyfriend and didn't tell you?"

"Jenni, I love you, but your mouth has no filter that you'd literally scream it while you walked in the door, if you had a boyfriend," I told her.

She nodded. "Fair enough, but anyway, that's not the point. Tell me; how big is Mr. Billionaire?"


She held her index fingers an inch apart and kept moving them further away. "Just tell me when to stop."

I got up. "I haven't seen it yet."

"Yet being the keyword," Jenni said, nodding suggestively.

She and I laughed.

"Does he treat you good?" she asked.

"He took me to the house he built to move into, which I thought was so sweet. And Jenni, he listens to me, you know? Rajat never listened. He always talked over me. Ram listens and he thinks I'm interesting and he treats me like I'm a human who he's interested in and not like someone who's there when it's convenient," I told her.

She smirked. "You love him."

"Stop!" I told her, whacking her with a file.

She laughed. "It's okay to love him," she told me, "I associated him, too and he's one of the nicer grooms that I've come across. And he gave an interview to this paper; that guy never gives interview to papers unless it's for business. He must really like you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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