Chapter 2: victory!

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Jerome's p.o.v

We sat there on the floor playing minecraft.

"I'm being noticed as you." She whined.

"Oh... Don't you have a account?" I asked her, I think we've played together, no, we have shes in some of the videos on my channel.

"Don't worry! It's happening over here to!" Emily laughed as she turned back to the computer to play more.

"Okay..." Tori stammered. "I had one but it won't let me on it anymore, i have no flipping idea why." She finished and made a chop chop chop sound as she continued to play, I laughed. A lot.

"Hey! I see you!" Emily yelled as Mitch's character ran to mine.

"Vic you have a iron sword why are you using a golden axe?" Emily asked.

"Because number one code of the baca, if you have a axe chop chop buddy!" She told her acting like me when I play with Mitch.

"M'kay." Emily said as they continued to play.

"10 seconds until the D!" Me and Mitch screamed.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4..3...2...1" we all counted down as they spawned into the arena and teamed up on everyone but themselves.

"Honorable fight to the death?" Vic asked.

Emily replied "Yep."

They took of their armor and fought Vic losing and Emily winning.

"Aww!" Vic started and vheated out laughing at Mitch and Emily laughing at the chat blowing up with.

'GG BENJ!' 'Go Mitch GG!' And 'aww but the baca. GG benja'

"They have no idea they weren't playing!" I laughed.

After a couple minutes we stopped laughing and walked to the kitchen.

"Ice cream?" I suggested.

"Yes!" Vic, Mitch and Emily yelled like two year olds.

"Okay, okay!" I laughed getting it out and giving it to them.

We all ate and then watched stupid movies on Netflix, how would anyone want to end the day with anything else?

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