someone is probably gonna die

540 14 9

Yo I think I need some professional help

Remi has add claire to the chat

Remi: wassup!!!

Rein: do you like not sleep?

Sera: hai

Arlo:shut up.

Elaine: arlo you need more juice?

Arlo: I never drank it anyways so no

Isen: I need MoRe

Blyke: dude I found 20 different jugs already  and knowing you probably has more

Isen: JoHn I nEeD mOrE mAgIc SnOw

John: ight how much?

Isen: 40 PoUndS

John: that'll be 400 dollars

Rein: john...

John: yess?

Rein: I thought you stopped selling your "magic snow"

John: nope my dad stopped with my allowance so I need to make money for your medical Bill's some way

Blyke: yoo why tf are yall up?

Sera: its summer

Blyke: summer in winter?

John: yep

Arlo: never heard of it

Remi: john can I have some crack?

John: it's just snow I have for some reason it's not drugs

Isen: When is it coming?

John: when you pay up

Remi: so its literally just snow?

Sera: seems that way

Elaine: I'm in the police station again

Arlo: ???

Remi ... again really?

Blyke: when and how did you?

Isen: got anymore juice

Sera: broven will pick you up

Broven:, john stop hacking into things! Especially on my phone!

John: go pick up elaine

Broven: agahryjtwjtsue5iny

Rein: he's going

John: what you do?

Rein: nothing just a little broken finger never hurt any body

Evie: what do you mean?

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