crossover: God Of Highschool

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For you who dont know where it originated from. Its from webtoon and not a manga. Its actually really good the show missed alot of details tho

Jojo: HAI!

arlo: What the- ?

John: we dont ask anymore arlo

A/n: jojo i never even liked your anime get tf out

Happy: AYE Sir!

Rein: ...these are two different anime no?

Remi: yepp

Blyke: yessir

Isen: more juice please @elaine

Elaine: a/n forgot how to spell my name... and ok!

Dawi: BY THEE ALL MIGHTY POWER OF... mira whats it called again?

Mira: idk i gave you my arm you should remember

Mori: im finally back!

Mira: homie i almost died

Dawi: i probably died already

Jin mori: yeah most likely

John: ?

Rein: im confused to

Remi: ...

Isen: arnt you two married?

Blyke: arnt you dumb?

Dawei: ... me and mira not me and mori thats weird

Mori: Woow! I knew that one day you will find eternal happiness! I ate mine...

Mira: ...was it the food i made?

A/n: mori's birthday episode soooo long ago

Mori: nahh i threw up

Dawei: you didnt even bite it

Mori: it looks worse then shit swear water piss and a blob fish combin... into a slimy thing

Dawi: was 5000000099191037394759293837292775928295729472973017501830572028502920682929582992742881947291 times worse then that....

Mira: well if you dont both shut up then youll vomit right now 😡💢

Mori: cant im busy dealing with the side characters you almost died to

Dawi: im basically already dead


Mario: It's a me a mario!

John:? I prefer flappy pigs

Sera: homie got a god complex

Rein: flappy pig is da bomb

Arlo: heichery is better

Isen: not the people/ things we like...

Arlo: me and heichery play with each other notvthe same?

Remi: keep it pg 13

Blyke: long past that

John: for suree

Arlo: yep

Mori:? Sorry who are you?

John: pychopath until the latest episode

Sera: random yandare who will kill remi and rein one day for hitting on my john

Rein: johns girlfriend

Remi: johns girlfriend

John: dont got one

Arlo: the logical one

John: king of the utensils* he means

Isen: pen worshipper

Blyke: PEW PEW lazer guy who copies dragon ball

Kid gohan: DADDYYYY!!!!

John: dude thats sus

Blyke: for sure

Remi: he one of yall?

Mujin: nope

Mori: hell nah

Mira: dawi my kid looked like you and died

Dawi:? Kinda depressing

John: kinda? He looks almost exactly like you dude

Isen: it is depressing

Mira: i also let thw homeless shelter guy who gave me his postion as the head homeless person people die

John: your fucked up

Isen: beyond a doubt

Mori: i ate my lover to defeat a random dude name thanlina i think


Mori grand daddy: Yoo! Mori! And shut it mubong park...

Mujin: i killed you in front of more tho how'd you not dead?!?!?

John: the Underworld has service

Mori: yep he died right in front of me with mubong's hand sticking out my chest and into his

Isen: man yall depressing fucks

Blyke: beyond a doubt

Sera: and i thought john had it bad

John: frfr

Claire: ...this is dark

Elaine: i can heal you


mori: yep im pretty sure i got a disorder already

Dawei: im marked as evil

Mira: samee

Mori: mira you killed many people

Mira: yeahhh i did huh

Mori: you dont remorse it...?

Mira: you dont feel grief when you ate your lover did you?

Mori: nope just a disorder

Dawei: ...

John: the fu-

Mori: the  entire thing is super dark the Arthur just makes it really light for some reason

Mira: he mighta smoke aa little weed

Dawi: nah its just back stories

John: ...imma kick yall

John has kicked mori jin dawei mira mubong and a few more

Thats a rap. Next time on crossover: the boxer

...if yall never read it then i highly recommend it if yall just like a heartless MC but gains a heart until they leave and becomes a monster until they revertes into his personality again

Also i love highschool  dxd or whatever good show and webtoon but the author litreally needs to let the depression hit the readers until making it light again...

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