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It was 2 years ago when i decided to walk away from the relationship that i thought would last forever. I thought that i can teach her to love me because she was badly hurt by her ex. I wanted to help her realize that it's not bad to love someone else after being in a relationship with someone for so long. It's not a sin to open your heart once again right??? But i made myself believe that she can love me the way she loves her.

"The two hardest things to say in life are hello for the first time and goodbye for the last." Moira Rogers

I met her in a club  3 years ago, At first i dont want to meddle with her because i just want to manage my business properly,  But she was really drunk that night and can't manage to go home, she was alone when she got to the bar no identification or any of that, so what i did was to help her settle in my private room inside my club. she was like an angel that night and i felt something i shouldn't feel but i ignore it because i told to my self i wont be seeing her again anyway.

It was 3 days after that incident in the club that i happen to bumped into her again in the park well not really bumped into her i just happen to see her there, she was not the girl that i see that night, she was wearing a corporate ladies suit, with a heels and a rayban shades. She was seating on a free bench with a cup of coffee on the other hand and a book on the other.

" Never thought i'd see you again stranger." i said as i sat beside her she didn't look or acknowledge me so i had to do something in order for her to remember me.

" Cheers and Beers."

" Oh yeah! I remember, i'm really sorry about my mess that day, Something came up and that's the best thing that i can do to temporarily forget the pain."

"  It's fine, i mean people sometimes go to my bar to get wasted some celebrate things and such. But i must say you're the very first to black out  😅"

"  I hope i can still go back some other times "

"  Of course you can, Even though you did blackout doesn't mean you can't go in. "

"  Promise it won't happen again, By the way its been more than 10 minutes since we started talking and i haven't gotten your name yet. "

" Oh yeah, we never really introduced to each other. I'm Jhoanna and you are? "

"  Hi, Jho I'm Bea 😊, Anyway i have to head home, My dad's expecting me by dinner, see you around Jho."

That was the first time someone called me Jho they usually call me Jhoanna and for no apparent reason i like the sound of Jho...


Bea and I became friends after that she often go to the bar to have some drinks and sometimes i join her if i won't go home in Lipa. I don't know why i'm feeling this way towards her, She have this aura that you would love the second you know her.

And upon those inuman sessions  she happen to tell stories about her past relationship with these girl who left her to pursue her passion abroad, it was a mutual decision for both sides but Bea still have feelings for the ex, sometimes when she's super drunk she tends to call for her and starts to cry, I learn to love this side of Bea. And who would have thought that after almost 6 months of being friends Bea ask if we can take this to another level. Nothing matter that moment for me all i did was to accept it, Because eventually maybe she can love me the way she love her ex right?

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