Chapter 9 Luna

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I woke up with the Sun. I checked the clock in the hospital wing and it read 6:47. I should be let out soon. I could hear the scraping of foot steps getting closer. First years racing to breakfast. I thought. Then someone burst through the doors.
"Luna!" Ginny said with her lopsided smile and her Red hair a mess. She ran right over and ran over for a hug.
"What are you doing up so early?" I asked
"I had to see you of course." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and her face flushed red. Oh how cute she is. We were then interrupted by Madam Pomfrey.
"Ok Luna you can go back to your dorm. Oh hello Ginny" Ginny waved back as I thanked her for all her help. We walked to breakfast, she gave me a kiss before we walked in and went our separate ways. I saw her walk over the the Gryffindor table and say down to Hermione who just smiled at her. Then smiled at me. After breakfast, we went to our first class potions. We walked in to take our seats.
"Today class we will start with a simple love potion." Snape's voice boomed in the classroom. Everyone scrambled right to work.
"Hey how you doing so far?" Ginny asked next to me.
"I think I might have messed up." Ginny let out a giggle that made me smile.
"Let me help." She grabbed the ingredients and showed me the correct amount of what. She then grabbed the back of my hands to show me how to mix it, not too much not too little. With that Ginny helped me create the perfect love potion. As we left class I pulled her into an empty classroom.
"I never got to thank you for helping." I said as I pushed her against the wall and slowly leaned in to kiss her. Ginny that spun me so I was against the wall.
"You're welcome." She now lead the kiss.
"There you guys are your going to be late-." It was Ron.

Cliffhanger dun,dun,dunnnnnnn

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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