Bad Again

743 28 52

Content Warning: mentions of ED

London 2012

'They've invited you to read for the part.'

Christine was sitting at her desk, smoke drifting in a thin, fluid line from the cigarette between her fingers. It was late summer, the heat was unbearable, and the open windows in her office did little in the way of airing the place out.

'Oh?' I replied as I held the heavy script in my hands, my hair sticking uncomfortably to the back of my neck.

'Usually the casting director would put out the call and it's us who'd contact them to request an audition,' she continued as she tapped off the end of her cigarette into an ashtray. 'But they asked for you specifically so I think they're seriously interested in you.'

'Well I'm definitely interested too. When do we need the tapes ready?'

'Oh no, they want to meet with you in person. I had a feeling you'd say yes so I had Mira go ahead and book the flight. You leave for Los Angeles on Thursday, meeting's Saturday.'

I leaned back and rested my elbow on the back of my chair. 'You guys love planning my life without including me, don't you.'

'It's easier like that. You tend to just get in the way.'

I laughed, fanning my thumb over the pages of the script.

'Ah, while I've got you,' she said as she opened her notebook. 'I've had more requests for comment on some tabloid things.'

'Mm, let me guess...'

'There's a couple of gossip mags planning to run stories about you and Benedict - apparently you were papped together at a petrol station.' She glanced up at me with a sardonic smile. 'They've reached out for comment on the pictures. Oh, and there's been some rumours circulating social media too; fans reporting seeing you "looking cozy" around town, whatever that means, the forums have gone mad apparently.'

I chuckled at her dry, sarcastic tone.

'Some bloggers and online journo's are trying to get a confirmation or denial from you,' she finished.

I rolled my eyes.

She sighed. 'I take it we're still sticking with the no comment approach?'

'Indeed we are.'

'I don't know why you insist on denying it. From a PR perspective-'

'We're not denying it. We're just refusing to comment.'

'But why?'

'Because it's nobody's business. As soon as you go public with a relationship, it's like the whole world thinks they're entitled to know everything about it. It's nice to have something that's just for us.'

'If this lasts, Adrian, you're going to have to go public at some point. You chose to become a part of this big, celebrity world, unfortunately your privacy is a price that comes with it.'

I stood up and packed the script into my bag, leaning over her desk and stealing a cigarette from the open packet. I slipped it between my lips and saluted her before making my way to the door.

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