1) girls if you catch a boy staring into your eyes he is not just staring at you...... he is lost in admiring the fact that he has the world in front of him

2) couples are most likely to break up after a 3-5 month period

3) after just 34 minutes of a conversation, a women knows if she loves her crush or not

4) people with the same level of attractiveness are most likely to date

5) studies show that you cannot just "be friends" be friends after a break up

My shower thoughts p1

1) if there was a contest for the biggest loser, the biggest loser would come second

2) maybe we can walk through mirrors but our reflection stops us

3) before was was was, was was is

4) when you fall, the entire planet hits you

5) an orphan could never watch a pg film

Shower thoughts over

6) When a new person enters your best friends life then your importance decreases

7) Teenagers who don't socialise much aren't antisocial, they just don't have no tolerance for drama and take people

8) Never love someone to the point where you no longer mind hurting them

9) God distance you from them because he heard conversations you didn't

10) When a girl cries it's usually not over one thing. It's built up anger and emotions, that she's been hiding for to long.

11) Girls pay more attention to guys who ignore them than guys who fight for there attention

12) it's more likely that the 2nd, 3rd or 4th born child are more likely to be trouble makers (again can vouch I'm a 4th born and I am always playing pranks)

13) Behind every status, there's a secret message for someone.

14) Usually, it takes a person 15-17 months to get over a break up with someone they really care about

15) 90% of men will prefer the woman to make the first move

(for the next few I say we because I'm shy)

16) We don't like meeting new people

17) We like our alone time


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