1) Most breakups happen before spring break or start of new years

2) People who are more creative have a harder time falling asleep at night

3) When you become really close to someone, you can hear their voice in head your head when your read texts from them

4) People who are socially awkward more loyal to their friends and are faithful when they're in a relationship

5) When a new person enters your best friends life your importance decreases

6) Listen to your gut people most of the time they correct or accurate

7) Your not scared of the dark, your scared of what's in the dark

8) Your not afraid of heights, your afraid of falling

9) Your not afraid of people, your afraid of rejection

10) Usually people who are 'too nice' get hurt the most

11) Girls who talk and laugh a lot, are the ones who usually cry alone at night

12) Dream about losing teeth means that you're worried about appearance or your ability to communicate with others

13) Dreaming about flying means that you want to be more independent

14) When your friend is in danger, your brain reacts the same way as if you were in danger

15) Friendships are much stronger when they both know what makes the other person mad

16) Babies can recognise friendship before they start walking or talking

17) If you can't cry, your weak inside

18) If you sleep a lot this day, it's means you're sad

19) If your become angry over silly or petty things, it's mean you need love

20) If you eat in an abnormal manner, you're tense

21) If you don't love yourself, you will always be chasing people who don't love you either

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