Chapters 7-9

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Chapter 7

When MJ arrived at the pizza shop she was 5 minutes late and Jake was already inside waiting. The waiter, who wore roller skates, escorted MJ to the table. MJ took her seat. "Are you ready to order drinks" asked the waiter. "We'll just be a minute sir" said Jake. The waiter nodded and skated away. "Who knew Jake had manners" MJ teased. "Well I may not use them all the time but my mother taught me manners" said Jake. They both laughed. "So what are you getting" asked Jake. "Sprite" said MJ. "You're a Sprite girl, you know I used to be a Sprite boy until I upgraded to Cola. So I'll order Cola" said Jake in a funny voice. MJ giggled. "Well what pizza should we order I was thinking-" said MJ. "Pepperoni" they said in a loud unison. Everyone in the restaurant looked at them and giggled. Jake and MJ giggled with them. "So I take it your ready to order" said the waiter who was skating up. MJ nodded. "Well take a Sprite, a Cola and a pepperoni pizza" said. "Okay it'll be a while" replied the waiter and then skated away. "So," started Jake. "I heard about the fight" he continued. "I was hoping you wouldn't but I know it was all over Aero Flow and word does spread fast" said MJ with a sigh. "Well listen I don't want to cause drama between you and your friends so...I think we shouldn't see each anymore" Jake said. MJ's jaw dropped. "You were right I should have left it alone instead making you feel guilty anyways pizza's here. The waiter came and sat the pizza on the table and skated away.

For the rest of the meal they ate silently. MJ wanted to tell Jake he was wrong and he didn't cause problems, but she knew it was no use she could see his mind was made up. After Jake paid they both left without saying bye. "Even though Jennifer isn't at the restaurant she still managed to cause problems" thought MJ as she rode down the sidewalk on her brother's scooter.

Chapter 8

MJ entered the house feeling so disheveled. She sat down at the dinner table that was surprisingly quiet. Not even her little brother made a sound. The only talking that went on was to pass a dish of food. MJ was scared something was wrong. Her older brother excused himself from dinner and told MJ to never touch his stuff again. "That was normal finally something normal happening. Maybe it's my hair. It did start drizzling on the way home maybe it's my outfit" thought MJ. She did look a bit off, she never really dresses up. She usually wore a plain T-shirts and a pair of ripped jeans. Maybe it was because she was showing a bit of her girly side sure she went to sleepovers and hung out with girly girls but she never really showed a tiny bit of girlyness. But then MJ realized she let her guard down and showed a bit of girlyness not only with her friends but with Jake. Now she was mad, she'd let her guard down to boy who'd rejected her. She just wanted to cry all over again, she'd cried on the way home making it even harder to get home because she couldn't see.

Finally, dinner came to an end. Her mother brought the boys upstairs for bed. MJ was going up the stairs as well. Her mother stopped. "Wait downstairs on the couch, your father and I want to talk to you" her mother said. MJ did as her mother said. Her body went cold and she was sweating. "First diner and now this, something's up. They must know they have to what else could be up. Maybe they're scolding me for borrowing someone's stuff without asking, nope it couldn't be they looked to serious" thought MJ. The look on her mother's face replayed over and over in her mind.

Finally, her mother and father entered the room together stern looks on their faces. They sat down on the living room sofa next to her. "Where were you today" asked her father. MJ flinched; her father rarely ever handled situations like this, rarely ever home, rarely ever talking to her. "Um, I was at Jennifer's" MJ finally said. "No you weren't, tell the truth" said her father. MJ's heart speed up her eyes bulged, and she flinched again. "How did he know, how did they know" thought MJ. MJ looked down at the floor. "On a date" she finally said. "Why didn't you just tell us that honey I wouldn't be mad. All that lying for nothing" said her mother. "Mom I'm sorry it's just-" started MJ. "Save it" said her father cutting her off. "Go to your room your grounded" her father continued. MJ's face drooped. "Now honey I think you've took it to far just let MJ explain herself. You didn't give her a chance" said her mother with a concerned face. MJ's father sighed and looked at MJ, waiting to speak. MJ was confused at first and kept looking at her father to say something. Her father gave her a stern face telling her to speak. She jumped up off her seat a bit. "Well um, I was scared you'd mad be mad, upset, you wouldn't understand, you wouldn't let me go" said MJ. "MJ I used to be your age, boys use to ask me out. Besides your 13, you're a teenager now you're aloud to date boys. Next time don't lie, okay" said MJ's mom. "Okay" replied MJ. "Next time you lie your grounded" said Mr. Clear obviously upset Mrs. Clear wouldn't let him ground MJ.

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