Taste of Love || Tony Balerdi

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The taxi stops in front of a small Black gate and gave the driver a bill. I felt the relief and excitement at the same time the moment I get out of the taxi and stand in front of the gate. It has been two years since I last stayed in my bestfriend's house--Tony's house--and I never thought I'm going to miss everything in it, the bed, the bath tub, the kitchen, and Tony. The thought of Tony always give me the reason to visit France, specifically in Paris where he lives but most of the time I visit his place, I would always surprise him and he know I never failed to surprise him.

I approach the gate and press the doorbell thrice so he could here from the inside. "Just a second." I heard him yelled from the kit
chen. The moment he came out of the house, the shock expression of him show that made me grin in excitement.

"TONYYYY!!!" I screamed in excitement and waved to him joyfully. "EMILLYYYY!!" he screamed back as he rushed into the gate to open it.

I jumped into him the moment he widely opened the gate for me and hug him tightly; Tony lifted me in mid-air and made me giggle in joy.

"It's really you, Emily. It's been a while, how are you?" he asked in excitement. "I'm fine and I really, really miss you. How about you?"

"I'm more lively that you're here, like it's been two years since you came here in Paris. You never failed to surprise me always."

"I'm glad that I do." I grinned and he invited me into his home. The smell of food caught my attention the moment I entered his home. "Whatcha' cookin'?" I asked.

"Meatballs and...err--Coleslaw"

"Really? Sweeeet!" I giggled in excitement at the thought of meatballs and coleslaw. He really knew my favorites--actually it's also Tony's favorite. We talked about Adam's restaurant and it didn't went well as what they expected. He also talked about his life here in France for the past two years, planning on leaving the country and work elsewhere in USA.

"You should come with me. I know a place in LA you can stay in. The rent is cheap but the place is good," I suggested.

"I realize you're already staying in the US, maybe I can stay in your place," he answered that got me shock.


Tony place our food on the table and approach me. "I mean, why not? Don't you want us to be together?"

Now I'm really blushing at his question. I turn around to face him and place both my hands on his gorgeous face, locking my eyes on his. "Don't get too offended but I thought you are--"

"Gay? Hmm...You wish!" he smirked and the next thing I knew, his lips met mine. We shared the most passionate and loving kiss at that moment, and it's wonderful.

He let go of my lips. "I mean you always follow Adam anywhere he goes," I asked in confusion.

"I used to, but I've moved on. I just realized at that time there's still someone out there who love me the way I wanted to." he answered and give me a teasing wink.

"Whatever you say, Tony," I rolled my eyes

"But I'm serious though," he replied. "Je t'aime"

"I love you too. You know how much I do,"

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