Season 2 Chapter 13 : Confession

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Currently, Ben was standing outside the Nighteye Agency saying his goodbyes to Bubble Girl, Centipeder, and Sir Nighteye due to it being the end of his internship.

Ben : The internship seemed to go by so fast because of all thats happened. Thank you for letting me come here and teaching me, and sorry for all the trouble I caused you.

Centipeder : Nonsense, It's been a pleasure working with you, Ben.

Bubble Girl : Feel free to come by and say hi once in a while, and don't get into too much trouble, alright.

Ben : *chuckles nervously* I'll try not to.

Ben then looks over to Nighteye and begins to say his goodbyes.

Ben : It's been a honor to intern with you, Sir.

Nighteye : It certainly was quite an experience. You went off by yourself to fight the Hero Killer and one of your aliens escaped from your watch and tried to take over the world.

Nigheye's words pierced into Ben as he started to feel guilty once more, but he then sees Nighteye extend his hand out to Ben for a handshake. Ben then takes Nighteye's hand as it reminds him the first day when he came to the Nighteye Agency.

Nighteye : But you were able to defeat the Hero Killer and stop Ghostfreak while saving one of my sidekicks. Normally, those two things are pretty tough even for a normal hero. I don't really approve of your methods of running off on your own to danger, but that is part of something every hero needs. Watching you for a week showed me who you truly are. It was truly an honor working with you, Ben, and I hope we see you soon someday.

Ben's eyes start to widen as Nighteye said his first name. Ever since day one Sir Nighteye would never call him Ben or by his hero name. Nighteye would always refer to him as . Even if it's just a little, this made Ben feel that Nigheye has acknowledge him. Ben strengthens the grip of the handshake and looks at Nigheye with a smile.

Ben : It was an honor working with you as well, Sir.

Bubble Girl and Centipeder both smile at each other as they knew that Ben has made a good impression to Nighteye during the internship. Ben breaks the handshake and grabs his suitcase with his hero costume inside and then walks off to the train station while waving goodbye to Nighteye, Bubble Girl, and Centipeder.


[ Time Skip ]

It was the next day at school, and everyone was talking about their time at their internships. Ben was standing next to Jiro and they were both with Tsuyu and Ashido as they went over what they experienced at their internship.

Ashido : Wow, you even got to fight villains? I'm so jealous!

Jiro : I just helped people evacuate and did logistical support, so I didn't do any actual fighting, though.

Ashido : It's still amazing, though!

Tsuyu : All I did was train and go on patrols, too. There was just one time when we caught smugglers from a neighboring country.

Jiro & Ashido : That's crazy!

Tsuyu : What about you, Ben?

The three then turn to Ben and see that he was staring off into space, clearly thinking about something. Ashido then waves her hands in front of Ben trying to get his attention.

Ashido : Helloooo, earth to Ben.

Ben then snaps back to reality and look towards the three girls.

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