Lets break that expectation

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To the woman reading this;

I can assure you, that you do not need to change the way you look, to be beautiful. Beauty is not a labell, its not fake eye lashes, fake tan, fake nails, its not makeup and plastic surgery. The way you are makes you, you.

You dont need to be fake to be seen, you dont need to try so hard to be like 'everyone' else, why not be different? When there’s so many girls looking the same, why not look real.

Dont let society make you believe that beauty has to do with looking unrealistic, or that you need to change yourself to fit in, or even that beauty is only physical.

Has anyone wondered why women battle with insecurity? Because society places expectations upon them, that being natural and real is not simply enough.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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