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Time I usually spend with my mom but now I have to spend it with strangers. This makes me miss my mom even more, I'll rather sit with her right now than go downstairs and sit with that snake I call my father.

But I have no choice, I'll have to go down. It's been ten minutes since George informed me about dinner and I know that they must be waiting for me.

I might even get to meet my "brother"

I looked at the door by my right hand, looked like a door to the bathroom maybe. I opened it and it wasn't a bathroom but a walk in closet. They were clothes in the wardrobe, shoes on the racks, bags on the shelf thingy in the middle of the room and also jewelry in a glass cupboard.

Everything looked beautiful and expensive, I walked over the wardrobe and took a look at the clothing. They were all my size and the materials were so damn soft.

Still observing the closet, I saw another door by the side, I got curious and opened it. This time it was a bathroom bigger than my room back at home.

It had a shower, a bath tube, a hot tub, steam bath, a beauty stand with products in it and much more. The bathroom looked like a fucking spa, I stepped on the floor and it was so smooth.

I was already wasting too much time on my new found bathroom and closet, so I swing into action immediately.

I located a towel, peeled my clothes off my body and got into the shower. I let myself get soaked in water before applying the body wash on my body, it smelt so good, I felt like drinking the whole bottle.

But hey, I ain't trying to commit suicide.

I was done in no time and came out with my towel wrapped around my body. I scanned through the products on the beauty stand and they all had the same brand name on them.

Greene Dream.

It looked nice and fancy, I finally got hold of the one labelled "body lotion" and creamed my body.
The lotion made me feel soft and fresh like a baby's butt.

I walked out of the bathroom, back to the closet and picked out some under wear, a black sweatpant and  sweatshirt. I put them on and moved over to pick out a black slide from the shoe rack.

I wore the undies on before moving over to the clothes.

I noticed another mini cupboard beside the shoe rack and opened it. In it were body perfumes, body mists, scents, oils and stuff.

I grabbed one of the perfumes and sprayed a little on my body and the scent was really urggh, I can't even explain it but it was good.

I put on the slides and left the closet, the bag I brought was still on the bed untouched. Guess I won't be needing them anymore maybe.

I left the room finally and located the stairs. While descending down from them, I could here voices.

"George!" One of the voices yelled.

"George!" He yelled again.

After that I couldn't make out what they were talking about, I stood halfway and pondered if I should go down or not.

I was feeling nervous, not because I was meeting my dad but because I was going to meet my brother.

What if he doesn't like me? What if he's mean asf?

Those were the questions running through my mind.

I mustered enough courage and finally walked towards the direction of the voice till I finally saw a dinning area.

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