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Turtle's POV

He whipped his head to face her, his sad eyes met her cold glare. Her nostrils flared, her slick blue tongue slipped out. Turtle didn't know how he got here. The only thing he remembered was flying peacefully with Kinkajou and the next, he was sitting in a cell with Kinkajou and his Mother staring at him angrily. How did it get to this? How come she didn't remember him? What happened with the world? First, Peril was sent to prison for something she didn't do. And now, Coral didn't even know his name and he was in a cell. 

"Mother..." Turtle whispered. Coral growled and lashed her tail angrily. "Why are you doing this?" Turtle cried. 

"I do not even know you," Coral hissed. 

"Mother, I helped defeat Darkstalker. You were proud of me," Turtle murmured. Coral rolled her eyes and stared him down. 

"I think I would know if my son defeated Darkstalker," Coral spat. Turtle winced and looked at the ground. Coral took another look at him then turned around to walk away. Turtle looked up and soft tears rolled down his snout. He just got his mother...and now she was taken from him. What happened? Turtle curled up in a ball and closed his eyes. He barely felt Kinkajou's wings around him. He just went to sleep. Thinking about what went wrong...

Three Hours Earlier

Turtle landed with a huff at the steps of the New Summer Palace. It looked more extravagant than the first one. This time, instead of it being hidden, The New Summer Palace was out in the open but it was still half underwater and half not. The columns that held up The New Summer Palace were gorgeous and the castle was bustling with life. Turtle honestly didn't know how his mother did all this amazing work. 

If Kinkajou wasn't there to stop him from gazing at the palace in wonder, he was sure that he would still be staring at it. "W-wow," Kinkajou gasped, out of breath. 

"Y-yeah," Turtle whispered, also out of breath. Kinkajou beamed and scales turned bright yellow. Turtle turned to face her with a bright smile. 

"This palace is HUGE! Well, I mean it's the only palace I have ever seen, well, the Sky Palace is different, but if I did see other palaces then I would say that this one beats them all!" Kinkajou said in awe. 

Turtle chuckled then walked up to a guard. He tapped on his shoulder and the guard whipped his head to face Turtle. Turtle gulped nervously then stood taller. "Uh, sir, do you know where Queen Coral is? I'm trying to find her, you see she's my mother and I need to talk to her." The guard looked at Kinkajou. Turtle noticed the guard's eyes on Kinkajou then he cleared his throat. "Yeah, Kinkajou is with me," Turtle growled. "So, if you weren't listening to me a minute ago then let me repeat. I am Prince Turtle, I am here for Queen Coral, my mother. So, if you could do your job please, that will be very appreciated," Turtle ordered. 

The guard scowled at Turtle then sighed. "Yes, Your Highness," the guard frowned. Turtle mumbled something then walked over to Kinkajou, who was now staring at Turtle in awe. 

"Why are you staring at me?" Turtle asked. 

"T-that was the first time I heard you sound like a prince," Kinkajou stated. Turtle nodded, still not understanding. "It was kind of..." she trailed off, looking away. Her scales turned rosey pink and blush started to seep into her scales. "attractive," she mumbled. 

Turtle felt a grin appear on his face, he tried to get rid of it but it never disappeared. He found himself placing his wing around Kinkajou and smirking. "Really?" Turtle grinned. 

Kinkajou blushed and her body turned pink. She was about to say something then her eye caught something. "OH! Look! It's YOUR mother! Why don't YOU go over to SAY HI to your MOTHER!" Kinkajou blushed, shoving Turtle to the majestic queen that just landed in front of them. 

When Kinkajou stopped pushing, Turtle noticed that Coral had a zigzag line at the side of her neck. Normal dragons would have said that it was a battle wound. But Turtle wasn't normal. He helped stop Darkstalker for crying out loud. So, he felt like something was different about Coral. "Yes?" Coral hissed. Auklet looked at Turtle then waved. 

"Tur-le!" Auklet beamed. "You back!" 

"Hey, Auklet," Turtle smiled. 

"Don't talk to her," Coral growled, pulling Auklet back. Turtle shrank back in sadness and Kinkajou twined her tail with his. "Who are you?" Coral wondered. 



Turtle could hear the shattering of his heart, it was so loud he was sure that Kinkajou heard it too. It was a fight to keep the tears in his eyes. How did Mother forget about me this fast? It wasn't that long ago she sent me a letter to be safe on my journey to the Sky Kingdom. "Answer me!" Turtle opened his mouth but nothing came out. "That's it! Send them to the dungeon! I'm to tired for this!" 

"No! Wait!" But it was no use, Coral already turned her back against them and they were being dragged to the dungeon. 

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