Chapter Four

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I just wanted all of this to be over.

However, the crushing reality was that all of this was far from ending, and as much as I wanted to deny it, I still had that feeling in my heart. That feeling drained me as it pulsed through every vein and artery of my body, almost consuming me, and there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop it.

Spiraling in my thoughts, I thought about the various consequences of even initiating this plan of uncovering the truth. To say the least, it seemed impossible to do without help. There was barely any evidence, any leads, I had absolutely nothing to even base a claim.

The problem was not that I couldn't find sufficient help, it was the question of who in their right minds would even give a thought about helping me? I couldn't even string words together to try and make sense of the situation. It seemed overwhelmingly surreal.

I stared at the bright white screen in front of me and fidgeted with a pen, zoned out into the deepest pits of my mind. It felt as if I was holding on to the edge of a ravine, about to fall and greet death with open arms. Even so, a rope might have been ready to pick me up, but the darkness around me avoided it's visibility. I couldn't catch on to anything, making me feel as if that rope never existed.

And there was nobody by my side to help me catch on to it.

No evidence. No leads. No claim.

Almost at the brink of my surrender, I used my pointer finger to mindlessly scroll further down the page of endless results about the incident, slowly readying myself to give up, my eyes scanned over a particular article. For a minute I just stared at the blue letters, completely disoriented from reality.

My left hand slid up towards my face, responding to a slight itch on the crook of my nose, reeling me back into my surroundings. I looked at the article with a more distinct vision, the words finally pouring into my brain.

It was at that second, something in my mind just clicked. It was like a puzzle piece slowly shifting into its rightful place, and making the screws in my brain turn faster with more ease.

Rumors Arise: Terrence-Corianne Faces Troubles as rumors arise for Human Testing for 'The Great Blinding' Cure; Few Reported Missing


My eyes snapped up, blankly staring at the wall for a few seconds, just as a way of just calming myself down. My jaw clenched immediately as my mind started to drift over to that night, but I pushed the thought out of my head, as I focused on the words in front of me. All my thoughts scattered away, spreading the limelight on only one.


Even though this is a rumor, along with everything that has happened, his disappearance could not have been coincidental. He had been missing since that night, and I had spent a good portion of last year trying to get any information about it. Obviously I had been unsuccessful, and I don't think this article itself would get me very far either, considering it was from a fairly unreliable source.

It was a battle of facts, either this really is just a small rumor for publicity, or Terrence-Corianne is menacingly skilled at hiding certain bits of information. The thought itself gave me a disturbing chill that ran down the back of my neck.

I moved my mouse on the link and clicked it, the page immediately moving me to the desired article. Skimming over a few lines, I found some images of Dr. Terrence at press conferences, which were probably taken from earlier situations, staged to look however the site wanted, further cementing my theories of this being an unreliable source.

However, after scrolling for a few seconds, I stumbled upon a list of individuals, eleven specifically, who were rumored to be missing and eventually found, under the case of possible illegal human testing. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, and continued reading the lines below the list. Apparently, five of them were reported missing a few days before the accident, while the other six went missing right before or during the accident. The sudden parallelism of Aaron's disappearance lined up in my mind, connecting the scattered dots. This made sense.

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