Chapter Five

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Hi Everyone! I know it's been a while since I updated but it's only because I've been writing more and more and actually developing the story and spicing it up to become the mystery it is supposed to be. In addition, I would probably recommend doing a recap of the previous chapters, especially CH. 4, because this is like a "part two," to that chapter. I wish I could do that cool thing on TV Shows, when they say, "Previously on The Obscurity..." and make it more fun, but let's face it, when you're a writer, especially a thriller/mystery one, that's the equivalent of writing the previous chapter all over again T-T.

Anyways, I'm excited to introduce more characters, add more complexity, and show you guys what I have planned, so hold on, I promise I'll make this worth it ;) Enjoy!


After a restless night of sleep, I felt like collapsing halfway through this morning. I despised nights like those. No matter how many hours you slept through, it still felt like every bone and muscle in your body ached either way.

I was sitting on my couch, staring at the T.V blankly, feeling even more bizarre actually watching the pictures move around the screen. I had about an hour left before I'd had to go out and meet that journalist. Before I could give it another thought, a slight breeze entered the living room through the open window, signifying a beautiful day. Yet, the air was still uneasy, with a slight sense of distraught circulating above my head.

I was left traumatized after the event of two years ago, yet I had somehow made myself at peace with it. I had time to heal, understand and work with myself to adjust to these changes. And now, those thoughts seemed far out of reach, and something threatened to disturb that sense of security.

I picked up my water bottle and drank a few sips, trying to suppress my worries, gulping down my emotions. All of which seemed to fail because of the newly formed lump in my throat. I took a deep breath and picked up my phone, trying to browse over anything that could help push my thoughts far away.

Obviously nothing helped, so I resorted to the next best thing.

Without giving it a second thought, I called Myra, since she was always able to somehow help me sort myself out and distract me from reality. After a few rings, I heard an overly enthusiastic voice speak through the phone, and I immediately smiled, almost laughing at her tone.

"Hey hey, Evie! Or should I call you 'The former roommate who forgot I existed for two weeks?' " Her voice answered in her usual sarcastic aura, putting extra pressure on the "two." She was right, I was really busy recently, not including the events of yesterday, I had quite a lot on my plate these past few weeks. Going to visit family was one thing, the endless eye check ups and appointments, working on assignments for classes, and more and more. The work seemed endless honestly, and my sense of ambition was crumbling every minute.

I snorted, "Well I would rather have you call me, Your most beautiful friend that actually has a life.'" I laughed, responding in the same tone.

"Your so-called, 'life' ended the day I moved out." I shook my head, getting up from my seat.

Myra moved out last year to take care of her family, since they were going through a lot. At around the same time, I went to my parents' place and lived there for about six months before moving back, and that's when Myra and I sort of started to drift apart. She was busy with her big family, and her own condition, and it was hard for me to keep up with her. Obviously, we still kept in touch, our relationship wasn't that easy to break apart, but I still missed the days we used to just be with each other's company, with no problems or worries hanging above our heads like the sword of Damocles.

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