Chapter 02

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Neptune pov

I am currently in the living room playing video games on the floor.

Neptune: *playing video games* Come on! Come on!

Game over

Neptune: Awwwww man I lost!

Histoire: Neptune stop playing video games and get back to work!

Neptune: Come on Histy a CPU needs a break once in a while right.

Histoire: Well your break is over! You've been playing video games everyday! And besides we also have to investigate those children from yesterday.

Neptune: Oh yeah I've forgot all about that.

If and Compa walk in.

Compa: Hey there everyone.

If: Hi guys.

Neptune: Hey there If, Compa!

Compa: Have you read the news about yesterday, it's about a boy who defeated criminal by himself.

Neptune: Actually that's what where talking about right now.

If: So do you know who this child is.

Histoire: To be honest we don't know as well.

Histoire: And with the current state of Planeptune, the shares will plummet down even faster.

If: so we basically have to find who this child is right?

Neptune: Yip, the bank manager also told me that he had a companion who was a year younger than him and had black hair.

Nepgear: hey guys im done making breakfast.

Nepgear: Oh hi there Iffy and compa.

Compa: Hiya Gege.

Neptune: Yay breakfast!

Histoire: *sighs* why is Planeptune's CPU always azy.

Naomi pov

I woke up then woke up Riku and told him to get dressed, after we got dressed we went out of the hotel.

Naomi: Thank you for the room miss!

Receptionist: *giggles* hehe good luck little ones.

We left the hotel to try and find a place to eat breakfast.

Naomi: Riku where should we eat.

Riku: Hmmm over there.

I notice Riku pointing at our favorite breakfast place.

Fast food worker: May I take your orders?

Naomi: Can we have two pancake meals please.

Fast food worker: Anything else?

Naomi: Can we also have pudding?

Fast food worker: *giggle* Hehe sure.

Riku/Naomi: Yay!!


We went to our table and ate our breakfast.

Naomi/Riku: Time to dig in!

I ate the pancakes first and finished it all.

Naomi: Time for pudding!

I notice Riku took his first bite of the pudding and could tell he was in heaven.

Naomi: I see you're enjoying yourself.

Riku: I am but this doesnt beat aunt nepgear pudding.

Naomi: Yeah!

Just then my got flashbacks of my mom.

Riku: *sad* Hey Naomi.

Naomi: Yes Riku?

Riku: *sad* I miss my mommy.

Naomi: *sad smile* I know I miss my mommy too.

Riku: Yeah, so what are we gonna do now, I mean we cant go to Basilicom since they wont let us in.

Naomi: Hm....I know! Ill try to find IFFY at the guild.

Riku: Great idea Naomi, you're so smart.

Naomi: Hehe, so are you cuz.

We finished our pudding and then headed to the guild to find Iffy.

Riku: There she is!

I notice Iffy standing outside of the guild talking to someone on the phone.

Iffy: *on the phone* Yeah okay.

Naomi: Excuse me miss Iffy.

Iffy: Huh? Oh hey there kids, what do you two want and how do you know my name?

Naomi: I was hoping if you would do a favor for us?

Iffy: Sorry, but im busy at the moment how about you ask the other guild members.

Naomi: We just wa-

Iffy: I said im busy, now will you both excuse me, I have to go somewhere.

Naomi: *sad* O-okay, we'll might just do some quest for now.

We went inside the guild and accepted a hard quest with candy for reward.

Riku: That's weird, candy as a reward, well we do like candy so I guess we'll take it!

Receptionist: Would you two like to take on this quest?

Naomi/Riku: Yes please. *smiles*

Receptionist: Sure, be careful out there!

Naomi/Riku: We will.

No one's pov

If arrived back at the Basilicom to inform what she found.

Histoire: Did you find anything If?

If: No I haven't I have no clue who these kid are.

Neptune: Awwww man this kid with pink and his companion with black hair are harder to find.

If: Wait did you say pink and black hair?

Neptune: Yeah why?

If: Is the kids you're looking for have pink hair along with his companion who black hair with both wear white and black jackets?

Neptune: Wow, you even know what they look like.

If: Awwww crap!!

Neptune: Yikes! What the matter Iffy?

Iffy: I actually found them earlier at the guild, but I sent them away.

Neptune: Why did you do that?!

Iffy: Because I was busy trying to find them as well!

Neptune: You work so hard and the answer was just in front of you the whole time, don't worry I've got a plan B though.

Iffy: What is it?

Neptune: I've set up a fake quest and im gonna catch him.

Iffy: Well good luck with that I guess.

Right now we see Neptune hiding in a bush.

Neptune: Haha, they wont suspect me hiding in a bush.

Neptune: Now time back and wait.

Naomi pov

Riku and I are walking to where the quest is while singing.

Riku/Naomi: *singing* we're on our way, we on our way, to do a hard quest to make our mommys proud!

Riku/Naomi: *singing* We're on our way, We're on our way to Planeptune by doing this quest!

Naomi/Riku: *singing* We're on our wa-

Suddenly someone pops up from a bush.

Neptune: Aha! Now I got you two!

Naomi/Riku: Mommy!/aunt Neptune!

Neptune: Mommy? Aunt?

We ran towards her and hug her tightly.

Neptune: Wait who are you two and im not your mommy!

Naomi: Yes, you are but you and aunt Noire lost your memories.

Neptune: Huh? What do you mean?

Naomi: *gives letters*

Neptune: What's this?

Naomi: You and aunt Noire said I must give this to you two, so read it.

No one pov

Neptune reads the letter and she immediately was shocked.

Hello if you're reading this I am Neptune/Purple heart from another dimension and I know that my son and Noire son think that your me/aunt and lost both you and Noire lost your memories, but that is not the case, the case is that we had to lie to them and say that we lost our memories about them but in reality we sent them to your dimension because we don't want them to know that our dimension was going to be destroyed. That is why we want to make a request, a request of taking care of our child. Please this is our last request, all we just is to give them is a better life than his previous one.


Neptune/Purple heart

Noire/Black heart

Neptune cried and wiped her tears.

Naomi: Why are you crying mommy?

Riku: Are you okay aunt Neptune?

Neptune: *wipes tears* It nothing sweetie.

Neptune: *thoughts* Don't worry we raise them as our own and give them a better life.

Neptune: Come on sweeties let's go back to Basilicom.

Naomi/Riku: *smiles* Okay!

Neptune held Naomi hand while still carrying Riku as they proceed to Basilicom.


Neptune: Hey guys im back!

Histoire: I see your back?

Neptune: Hey Histy do you mind calling Noire and mind telling her to come over quickly please.

Histoire: Um sure.

Compa: Who are they Nep Nep? *points to Naomi and Riku*

Iffy: They're the kids from earlier.

Nepgear: Wait that's them?

Neptune: This Naomi and he is my son and the one his carrying is Riku and he is Noire son!

Everyone: What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Just then Histoire came flying in

Histoire: What do you mean?

Neptune: Naomi why don't you and Riku go play over there for a bit.

Naomi/Riku: Okay!

Naomi and Riku left and played in the living room.

Neptune: Here you guys go, read this. *gives letters*

Everyone read the letters and they all become sad

Compa: *wipes tear* That's sad.

Just then Noire and Uni arrived.

Noire: Okay im here so did you want?

Neptune: *sighs* you will understand once you read this *hands her the letter*

Noire and Uni read the letter and they both became sad

Noire: *thoughts* Don't worry ill do my best to raise him as my own and give him a better life.

Uni: *wipes tears* That so sad may they rest in peace.

Noire: May I ask where Riku is?

Neptune: His in the living room with Naomi.

Histoire: So what are you two gonna do?

Neptune: Well im gonna take care of him as his mother of course!

Noire: Same here!

Nepgear: Im gonna help too! He is my little brother after!

Uni: I wanna help as well I mean he is my little brother!

Just then Naomi and Riku walked back into the room and when Riku saw Noire, his tears started falling and he immediately ran up to her and hugged her.

Riku: *Crying* Mommy! Mommy! It really you! I miss you so much!

Noire caress her new son hair while hugging him back

Noire: Shhh mommy here it alright now.

Riku: Mommy please don't leave me!

Noire: It's okay Mommy not going anywhere, say why don't we go now.

Riku nodded.

Uni: Hey there Riku it's me big sister Uni.

Riku look at Uni and felt more of his tears falling and he immediately jumped out of his mother arms and jumped into Uni arms.

Riku: *crying* Big sister it you!

Uni felt immense joy to receive a little brother.

Noire: Anyway let go home Uni.

Uni: Kay, alright Riku say goodbye to your cousin.

Riku look at Naomi.

Riku: Bye big brother.

Naomi: *smile and giggles* Yeah see ya later pal.

Noire, Uni and Riku left.

Neptune: Hey Naomi let's play a game!

Naomi: Okay!

Neptune and Nepgear left and played with Naomi

Compa: So Nep Nep and Noire are mommys now.

Iffy: Well I just hope Neptune's gonna be serious now.

Histoire: Me too, I just hope she will take her Goddess responsibilities seriously from now on.

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