Chapter 03

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No one pov

It has been 1 month since Naomi and Riku came to this dimension and things are going well for Neptune.

Now we see Naomi sitting on Neptune lap while she is playing with his hair.

Neptune: Your hair is fluffy!

Naomi: *giggle* hehe

Histoire: Neptune!!

Neptune: Yes?

Histoire: Stop playing and get back to work!

Neptune: Awww, but I cant Histy, cant you see im playing with my cute Naomi here.

Neptune: And besides our shares are not plummeting anymore.

Histoire: That's because you let Naomi do all your paperwork.

Naomi: Im quite alright with helping mommy out with her paperwork.

Neptune: See Histoire now who's a cute boy, you are *tickles Naomi*

Naomi: *get tickles* Hahahahaha stop it tickles!

Nepgear: Awwww, they look so cute together.

Histoire: It's true that Neptune been taking care of Naomi and he has been helping out, but now she reached a whole new level of laziness when it comes to paperwork.

Neptune: I know! Why don't we visit Noire!

Neptune: It's been a month since we last saw her and Riku, we might as well make a turn there and see how she handling it.

Histoire: Actually I called Noire and she said I sent you there to help make you a better goddess.

Neptune: Wha! Work again!

Histoire: Neptune! You need to learn on how to be a better Goddess! Besides your child is even more productive than you!

Naomi: *smiles*Hehe.

Neptune: *sighs* fine...come on Naomi, Nepgear let's go!

Naomi and Nepgear: Okay!

We see that the three of them are standing at the balcony.

Neptune: access! *transform*

Nepgear: access! *transform*

Purple heart: Well come on Naomi, mommy will carry you.

Naomi: Yay!

Purple heart & Purple sister: Hehe.


They are now flying towards Lastation while Neptune is carrying Naomi.

Naomi: Whooooooo!!!!!

Purple heart: Careful now, mommy doesn't want you to fall okay.

Naomi: I know.

Purple heart: Also, do you have a transformation Naomi?

Naomi: Not yet, because you see Aunt Histoire said Riku and I are different from the other CPU's.

Purple Heart: What do you mean?

Naomi: Riku and I were told that we would be stuck like this forever. But sooner or later Riku and I can learn how to transform and become like you guys.

Purple heart: I see when that time comes Mommy and big sis Nepgear will teach you all we know about being a CPU okay sweetie.

Naomi: *giggle* hehe you said the same last time.

Purple heart: Did I now

The three of them landed on the balcony of Lastation Basilicome.

I immediately saw Riku being carried by his big sister.

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