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'let's get this party started',

Bozer said grabbing a bottle of tequila from the bar top, I smiled wanting to have quite a bit of alcohol in my system so I could get through the mission. Mac shook his head at me slightly,

'so you can drink to your hearts content and still be functioning tonight for the mission, I whipped a little something up in the lab so that we won't feel the alcohol tonight',

Mac said, I looked at Mc slightly unimpressed,

'so are you telling me that I won't be getting drunk tonight?',

I asked as Mac began to pour the solution he created into our shots. He shook his head at me,

'are you serious dude?',

I asked him slightly annoyed, he began to laugh,


Mac said putting his hand on my back, he grabbed a small eye drop bottle ? out from his pocket. He dropped some drops of the substance into the shot glasses as Boze handed them out. Mac took a deep breath ready to drink his, we all got ready,

'by the way the hangover is going to make you wish you were dead'.

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