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Hours passed and it was finally time to bid the company goodbye for the day. Lucas quickly got off work and waited for her in the parking lot. He didn't want to make her uncomfortable by accompanying her from her office, afraid she would not want the other employees in the firm to see them both together.

Going through Instagram, he waited, leaning on his car door. Five minutes in, he heard the familiar clicking of heels. Looking up, he saw Azalea walk up to him. Sliding his phone inside his pocket, he gave her a smile and opened the door to his passenger seat.

"Thank you", she mumbled as she slid herself on the seat. Making his way to the driving seat he started the car and drove off.

They drove for a few minutes without talking just enjoying the silent atmosphere. Azalea staring out the window while he seemed to steal some glances her way every now and then.

Out of sudden he voiced out his thought which was running through his mind lately, "What changed?"

Casting a look at him, not understanding what he meant she asked ,"Huh?"

"What changed between us? You never glanced my way before let alone talk to me. What changed now?", he asked again making himself clearer.

Startled at his unexpected question, she got tongue-tied. Looking straight, she began fidgeting with her fingers. 'How could she tell him, that she was just using him for her purposes?', she thought.

A moment of silence fell over them, before she spoke, "I don't know honestly. One day I hated you with every fiber of my being and the next, I was craving for your attention.", she started. She didn't know where these words were coming from. She herself was confused as to if she actually saw him that way or not.

"You were so different. Nobody ever back answered me, you were the only one!", getting a chuckle from the boy, she continued, "Can you imagine! I kept thinking about you and suddenly you consumed my thoughts like a plague. You got under my skin, and I couldn't seem to shake you off."

Letting out a laughter, he spoke, happiness swimming in his hazel orbs. "So, I was rude, you mean?"

"No. You were unique.", almost instantly she snaked her hand into his, intertwining their fingers.

Glancing at their hands, he let out a shy smile. He was thankful that it was dark inside the car, so she did not witness his cheeks blush a rosy red.

Minutes passed as they were now parked in front of her house. But before she left, he wanted to ask her one last question.

"So, what are we now?", he asked nervously, as he bit down on his lip. He knew any chances he had with her were very slim. At the most, she probably just saw him as a friend, but he hoped for more.

"Whatever you want us to be, Lucas.", she spoke before she got down the car hurriedly.

"I-what?", swiftly opening the door, he was met with the soft breeze of the evening wind.

Walking to her side, he questioned, "What do you mean?"

Tiptoeing, she whispered in his ears, "Be my boyfriend?", before she gave him a lingering kiss on his left cheek.

Glued to his place, his eyes widening. 'Wait a minute, did he hear her right?', he thought.

Before he could say something, she started running towards the gates of her mansion like house.

"Azalea Valentine! Did you just ask me to be your boyfriend?", he called out, still in a state of shock.

She turned back, giggling, and shouted a, "Yes!" 

Aster Marshall was waiting for her son to reach home

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Aster Marshall was waiting for her son to reach home.

Today he was unusually late. He always came home directly after work. It wasn't like he was working overtime today, nothing that she knew of.

It was her habit to wait for her son to come home. She felt lonely if she didn't see him. Years ago, when she too had a job, her days would pass by in a blur. With Lucas attending college and she busy with her work she didn't feel alone.

Since Lucas started got a job, he never wanted his mother to tire herself by working unnecessarily. Always said, "Mom! You don't need to work anymore. I am a big boy now and I can look after the two of us.", thinking back to that time, brought a sad smile to her face.

It had just been the two of them, after Lucas' father, Nathaniel Marshall's passing. Her husband had been a firefighter and had died on duty, saving people. For that reason, she grew her son to be brave and to be a goodhearted man. She wanted him to see his father's death as an example of bravery rather than regret.

Lucas lost his dad when he was only four years old. Never getting the chance to have a proper father-figure in his life, Aster had to play the role of a mother and a father.

She saw how he would come back from school, after a day full of getting bullied and ragged. He never did once complain, afraid he would just burden his mother more.

She saw him become the man he was now; she remembered the nights of pain and misery she felt every time she couldn't fulfill his needs.

Being a sole parent, there were many things that had to be cut short for the young boy. Nonetheless, he knew his mother tried her best.

Hearing the front door open, the older lady broke out of her thoughts and got up to greet her son.

Howbeit, she stopped in her tracks when she noticed he had a wide smile on his face and his eyes seemed to twinkle with joy.

"What's gotten you in such a good mood, son?", she questioned.

"Mom! You won't believe what happened today!", and with that, the excited boy talked about his day and told her how Azalea wanted him to be her boyfriend.

As a mother, she was very happy. She knew how much he liked the young heiress, and how he always admired her. She just wanted her child to be happy. And if his happiness was with Azalea, then so be it.

Later that night, when Lucas went to bed, his mother came up to his room after finishing the dishes. She kissed his forehead and whispered; just how proud she was of him.


Hopefully this chapter was to your liking! 

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