Chapter 12

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Naomi Mason

I feel trapped in my own house and i want to break out. I wish i could take this stupid brace off and be able to walk again but i cant. I have been just laying here doing nothing. I fucking hate it.  Restrictions my ass. I cant take it anymore. I haven't really said much to anybody. Its been four days since i've been out of the hospital. Four days since i haven't talk to randy. He comes over but doesn't come to my room to say hi or anything. I think he still thinks i'm mad at him. Well i am but not as much and it still pains me that he is ignoring, well i haven't text him or anything so maybe i'm ignoring him too. I dont know what i should do or how to feel right now. I'm overwhelmed by everything and i feel like giving up.

"Hey Naomi what do you feel like eating for dinner?" Jake waltz in my room without knocking. He really needs to learn how to knock

"I'm not hungry." I said to him

"Naomi come on you havent ate in four days, you need to eat a full meal. All you had was water and yogurt. Thats not good." Jake said he looked concern

I just dont feel like eating

"I'm just not hungry Jake leave me alone." I didn't want to look at him

"Nay what's wrong? You got to talk to me." Jake is so clueless

"I dont feel like talking Jake!" I snap at him "And can't you see the problem already? Go away!"

Jake looked and I felt bad but I didnt say anything, I just want to be alone.

"Alright whatever Nay have your way." Jake said before he walked out the door

I finally had the chance to breathe. I felt tears prick my eyes but i didnt let them fall. I can see his dissapointed but what can i do? All i could do was scream. Scream at the top of my lungs. Cry out my frustration. My throat starts to sting but i keep scream. I let out all my anger in a scream. Then my anger turned into tears and i started crying out of control.

Jake came running into my room with Chelsea behind. They both looked so worried.

"Naomi what's wrong?" Jake said softly

"Everything." I choked out and continue to cry. All Jake could so was hold me in his arms. I cried out in his chest and Jake squeezed me tighter.

Everything I have

hoped for was ruined

Everything i Dreamed of is gone.

I have destroyed everything in my path

And there was no turning back

I have fallen and now i'm breaking

Everything was falling apart.


Randy Garret

"I just dont know what to do man." Jake said to me

Jake called me after Naomi had her little panic attack. I havent seen her yet. I'm scared to yet. She might still be mad at me. So now i'm just sitting in the living room with him talking. Jake is really getting stressed out about all of this. Naomi is not making this easy for him and he had to deal with this when there died. It must of been rough.

"She is not making it easy for you i can see that." I told him

He laughed "Yeah you could say that again."

I couldn't help but to crack a smile

" It was so much worse when our mom died," He continued "She never came out of her room, she barely ate, she didn't talk to anybody, she completely isolated her self away from everyone. I did everything i could to help her. She didn't want it but i Know she needed it. She needs it. I'm just afraid that she going to be like that and i cant deal with it. I don't know how. It was hard the first time, but the second? It will be even worse and I'm scared something bad is actually going to happen to her. I can't loose her Randy. She is the only family i got left. " He started to choke up

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