Chapter 2

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Naomi mason

"I hope you don't have any plans is weekend." Randy said coming into my house.

He never knocks anymore.

"Surprisingly I don't." I said leaning against my kitchen counter "what do you have plan Randy garret?"

"You know how you said you wanted a weekend with just us two?" He proposed

"Something like that yes." I said

"Well this weekend me and you are going to my parents lake house. Just the two of us."

"Hmm sounds nice." I told him

He walked closer to me wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I have talked to my parents about it and everything. As long as I'm not doing anything crazy like throwing a party then they are okay with it." He said

"When are we leaving." I asked him

"After school Friday so you should start packing tonight and tomorrow." Randy told me

"What about Craig's party." I frowned

"God it wouldn't hurt to skip one party. I rather spend time with you."

I smiled slightly "I guess I can tolerate you for a weekend."

"Same here." He gave me a quick kiss on the lips "also we will be missing school Monday and possibly Tuesday if you want."

"Doesn't matter" I said reaching up to kiss his lips. I let them linger on for a moment until we were interrupted.

"Randy my man!" My annoying older brother said

Randy turned around and waved to jake

Then he walked over to him doing there handshake thing

"What's up jake?" He asked

"Nothing much I was thinking we could hit the gym up tomorrow and Sunday is the first preseason game of the broncos we have to watch that! Ill be grilling and everything."

Randy shook his head "the gym I'm in but as much as Sunday that sounds amazing but I have other plans way more important." He looked over at me

"What is way more important than football and me?" Jake said offended

"We'll I'm spending the weekend with your amazing sister. We are hitting up my parents lake house." He explained

Jake looked over to me "and why didn't you tell me this?"

"Honestly he just told me the plans." I said to him

"I don't know." Jake said softly

"What do you mean you don't know?" I asked him confused

"Lots of reasons actually." Jake snapped at me

Why was he being like this

"Jake dude she is going to be fine I promise" randy butted in

"It's not you I'm worried about I know you'll keep her safe." Jake said to randy

"Then what is it?" I asked jake

"Upstairs." Jake pointed to me

I looked at randy and he gave me a short smile.

I followed jake upstairs as he lead me to my room. We always have to talk in my room. He lead me over to my balcony opening the door for me. I walked outside letting the breeze hit my skin. Jake stepped outside shutting the balcony door.

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