Bonus chapter

481 16 2

Naomi mason

Here it is the day I have been waiting for.

Graduation day.

It was finally here. My high school career is finally ending. After this day I get to start my new life with the person I love. After travel soccer is finish of course. I couldn't help to feel nervous. I am valedictorian and I have to give a speech which is the scariest part of it all but I'm ready for it.

It's been months since my injury and my surgery and now I was back walking again with no brace or crutches. Of course I still had to wear a brace for when I play soccer or do and physical activities that involve my leg so it's not that bad. Now I actually feel normal walking and that's the best feeling.

The only thing sad about this day is that Amber is not here to celebrate with me. I haven't talk to her in a while. I guess she is having fun with her new life in New York.

I sighed thinking about it and looked over my speech again. I didn't pay attention to what our principle was saying. I was just worrying about my speech. I looked back and saw Randy sitting a couple rows behind me. I was sitting in the front. He looked like he was bored. He moved his head towards were I was and made eye contact with me. He gave me a smile and I smiled back turning my attention back to the front.

"Now giving our valedictorian speech Naomi mason"

Oh boy here we go. I stood up smiling and made my way to the podium while everyone was cheering. I reach the podium and look to the bleachers of our football field and saw jake and Chelsea cheering. Jake looked so proud of me and so did Chelsea and in her hands was her little boy Andrew. My nephew. I smiled at them and turn my attention to my class as the cheering died down.

I cleared my thought " Good evening." I began "thank you everyone for coming out today to see us seniors say our last goodbyes to this amazing high school. I can speak for my class when I say that this is a very hard time. It's not easy to say goodbye to something that we are so familiar with but I guess we have to say goodbye eventually." I took a deep breath and I looked at Randy who was looking at me with a smile on his face.

"The beginning of high school was difficult for me. I had no support other than the support of my brother. I didn't have a mom and my dad really didn't want anything to do with me. I came into high school with no care in the world because I thought that I was just going to fly by these years without a care in the world. Unfortunately I join the soccer team and was apart of the feud we had here. Then I started to become the talk of the school because of how good I was at soccer and suddenly time became slower. From freshman year to now became the most dramatic change ever. I ended up having one friend to many friends. Breaking a school record no one has ever broke and leading my team to independence champions, regionals champions, division champions and to states. It's all a captain dreams of taking there team. I'm glad I got to experience that with them. Then I got hurt and I thought my world was crashing down. Everything was falling apart. I didn't know what to to do. Soccer was all I know but someone special showed me you can be good at anything."

Randy smiled

"High school was the most amazing experience I ever had and I couldn't be happy to share it with this amazing class. Nothing will ever beat the memories you gave me and when this is over and we go our separate ways I hope you always remember these people in this class because these will be your friends forever. I know I won't forget any of you. You guys are apart of my memories. I just hope whatever you guys do with your life that you are happy doing it. That you continue to be happy whatever life decides to throw at you I know you can fight through. I might be leaving far away from here but I will always carry you guys in my heart. Thank you despite everything that has happen. Thank you for a great four years." A tear decided to slide down my face as I grabbed my speech and made my way down back to my seat.

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