Chapter six

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Now that it was just you and Bokuto, you were kinda in an awkward situation.

"" you start with. You and Bokuto were now on the bench again. Bokuto then speaks up and says "Do you maybe want to go for a walk before we go to bed?" You said sure and you both were out on the walk.

You both decided to walk around the perimeter of the trading camp grounds.

"Have you ever played volleyball before?" Bokuto asked you. You freeze for a second and say " I'm not really good at sports. I'm not really the person to open up  to others I'm not familiar with."

Bokuto then asked "Then why did you talk to me the other night? I was a stranger to you." "I feel like I could trust you that's all." You respond.

The walk was almost over but Bokuto then grabbed your hand and started to drag you to the gym.

You being a flustered mess because he was holding your hand speaks up and said "Where are we going!?!? Hey slow down!!" You then stopped being dragged and noticed you were in one of the many gyms at the training grounds.

"You said you never played volleyball so i decided to teach you!" Bokuto says with a very excited tone. You then just nodded and allowed him to teach you. 

About an hour has gone by.

You noticed it was really late and you two should probably be in bed before you get yelled at. "I think we should go to bed before we get in trouble." You speak up.

Bokuto agrees but was kinda sad he had to quit playing volleyball for the night. 

You both go back to your rooms where you would be sleeping. The first room was the managers room where you slept so Bokuto stopped you before you went any farther into the room and said "I had a fun time tonight thank you! You smile and then you both say goodnight to each other before heading off to bed.

You get changed into something that was night appropriate and get under your covers trying to stay quite to not wake up the other girls. You close your eyes and before you fell asleep the only thing on you mind was Bokuto.

(Your dream)

You were with the boy who was blurry again and this time you where sitting on a bench that you felt like you have seen before but couldn't put a finger on it. He was talking to you about something that you could even hear because he was babbling.

You turn to see a white path so you go to it curious what it holds. When you stepped on the white glowing path the scenery behind a you was gone. You walk further up the path and see two signs one said "Love" while the other said "Forget". You then noticed each sign had a path.

You wondering which to go you decided the sign that said "Love" because it was common sense.

(Yes you choose love because this is a Bokuto love story duh)

You walk down the path and you noticed you saw the blurry boy again. This time he seemed really happy and then walked up to you and kissed you. You could decided wether you were happy because you got kissed or sad because you didn't know who this was.

(Your POV)

You wake up to all the girls getting ready because they all had a good nights of rest while you were tired for attempting to play volleyball. The one thing you remember from your dream was the kiss from the blurry boy.

You then decided to get up and get dressed. Breakfast time was coming around the corner and you didn't want to miss it because you love food with a passion. 

You walk down to the cafeteria to see Kuroo having an arm around Kenma sitting across Bokuto and Akaashi. You got your food and sat down next to Bokuto to eat. You guys talked about a bunch of random things.

You first talked about volleyball players and now the conversation was about Bob Ross. You didn't know how the two subjects matched but they did some how. 

Breakfast was over and you guys all went to the gym. You sat on the Bench where Nekoma was playing and occasionally you would see Bokuto staring at you. Ever time you cot him he would blush and look away. You thought it was strange but you didn't mind.

(Time skip because of my laziness)

It was almost the end of dinner and you were sitting at the same table you sat at breakfast. Everyone who you sat with was there so you were comfortable.

You then heard some noises and noticed the oranged hair boy from Karasuno was fighting to black hair boy also from the same team. You think their names were Hinata and Kageyama. You giggled at them and went back to finishing your meal.

After dinner Bokuto and you went to the  gym because he wanted to teach you more about volleyball. You both are really close now and you felt like you both have been with each other your whole lives.

(866 words)

I hope you liked this chapter. You are getting closer to Bokuto now ooohhhh. Well anyways have a good day/night/evening. Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

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