Chapter seven

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It was now the next morning and it was the day before you left the training camp. You always liked it there because you actually made friends and were more social.

The boys where all in the gym playing their games, when you were taking notes you heard a loud bang! You look to see what it was and to your surprise it was Bokuto's volleyball hitting right next to him because he got blocked.

You saw his face go sad and you kinda were surprised about how he acted. You knew he had a reputation for having a childish act but you didn't know he would pout like one.

You see him keep getting blocked so you decided to do something to boost his mood.

You walked over to his court and screamed "GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER AND WITH THIS GAME BOKUTO!!"

Bokuto looks over at you and his frown turned upside down into a smile. He gave you a thumbs up and went back to being his cheerful self. 

Akaashi walked over to you and said "How did you do that? He never can recover that quickly." "Idk i guess I'm just lucky." You walked back over to Nekoma's court and continued your notes.

(Time skip)

It was now the end of the day and you were tired form keeping up with the boys all day. But it was now time for food YAY!!! You ran passed all the boys to get your food and you sat down at you usual table.

You looked at Bokuto who was stuffing his face with food and smiled at him. 

Yes you did develop a crush on him but you just met him and you didn't know how he felt about you. You were curious what he thought but your anxiety told you not to ask.

"So Bokuto are you guys coming to play truth or dare in Karasuno's dorm?" Tanaka asked Bokuto as he walked to you guys. Bokuto looked at all you guys and you all nodded to show a yes you'll be there.

"YEA WE ARE ALL COMING!!!!!" Bokuto says in his really happy expression. Tanaka left your table and you all went back to eating. You were almost done when you thought of the blurry boy.

You still didn't know what it meant so you kinda ignored it and went back to eating. 

You finished your food and waited for the others to finish their food.

"Do you think they are going to get in trouble for doing this past lights out?" Akaashi asked gesturing to the game you guys are going to tonight.

"I hope not this will be so fun." Kuroo says with a sly smirk at his boyfriend.


Your phone starts to ring and you notice it's your moms.

"Hey my moms are calling let me answer this real quick." You say as you left the table to step outside to answer the call.

"Hey mom, Hi mama!" You say to the phone.

"Hi honey how have things been going so far there?" Your mom says.

"Are you ok did you get hurt or anything!?" Your mama said kinda in a worry tone.

"No I'm ok but i did learn how to play volleyball a little bit!" You say trying to get them less worried.

"That's really good sweetheart." You mama says in a relieved tone.

"So~ did you meet any guys~." Your mom said to you.

"What?!?!?! Why would you ask!?!?" You ask really suspicious why she said that.

"Well Tetsuro told me you and a kid named Bokuto are hitting it off pretty good~." Your mom says and you could tell she was smirking on the other line.

"Fine yes i met a guy but i don't know if he likes me back." You say whispering for no one could hear you If someone was near by.

"Don't worry we wont tell a soul and with the info your cousin gave us he seems to like you back. So you might want to think about it~." Your mama said and you could also tell she had a smirk on the other line.

"I have to go anyways I'm playing  a game with some people." You say trying to hurry up the conversation.

"What type of gam-" Before your mom could finish that you hung up really quick.

You start to make your way back to the cafeteria to meet with the boys and play the game.

(716 Words)

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been busy and tired. I will try to update more if i can. Thank you for the views and votes!! Have a good day/night/evening!

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