False Peace Part 1

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Creati-Saiyan Agency

Goku and was sitting at his desk, that day was especially quiet, not even a mugging was going on, all there really was to do was text

Momo: Is it really that quiet

Goku: Yeah, nothing is going on. What about at UA?

Momo: Same here, boring actually

Goku: Trying to meet up for lunch

Momo: Can't honey, I have a lot of work to catch up on

Goku: Please?!

Momo: Sorry, I can't

Goku: Fine

Goku sat at his desk and looked at the photos on his phone, and found the one from UA's graduation

4 years ago

Momo- Congratulations to us!

Goku- Yeah, we're finally out of this place, sorta sad kinda

Momo- Well we have a lot waiting for us now

Goku- Well, what should we do now?

Momo- We'll I've been sitting on this thought for a while but... why don't we start our own agency!

Goku- Really?

Momo- Yeah, my parents can fund it for us, we can actually help people more with this

Goku- I'm down for it

Momo- What should we call it?

Eri- What about Creati-Saiyan

Goku- Woah! Where'd you come from?

Eri- I snuck away from grandma and grandpa

Momo- Where's your brother?

Eri- He's with them

Goku- C'mon kid, you need to start staying with them... you can't go sneaking around, your dad isn't trying to go back to court

Eri- Yeah... sorry

Bardock- Yeah yeah, take your kid, he's tiring me out

Bardock handed Momo, Gohan

Gohan- Mama!

Momo- Hey, Gohan where's Toshi?

Gohan- He's with Mr. Midoriya

Momo- Well, there's one more surprise

The four of them took a car and went to a mansion

The four of them took a car and went to a mansion

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Goku- What's this place?

Momo- Our new home, Since last year my parents began making a new home for us

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