Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

TA 3005


Éowyn slid her shapeless grey dress over her cotton shift, then took her leather belt from off a peg. She could already hear the sparring outside, and every bit of her yearned to join them.

On her way out, she snatched an apple from a bowl on the table in the corner and bit into the firm fruit. Apples were one of her weaknesses; once she had eaten so many, she remained sick for many days. She'd learned her lesson after that, but it hadn't stopped the liking for the fruit.

"Off to join the boys, eh, my lady?" a plump servant with rosy round cheeks asked. She was carrying a load of laundry.

Éowyn nodded. "What else would I be doing?"

The servant merely nodded and mumbled something under her breath before walking away.

Probably something about Uncle finding me a husband.

At ten, Éowyn was already taller and more slender than most girls in Edoras. Uncle always said she was more beautiful than the other girls, but when Éowyn looked into the glass, she couldn't find anything remarkably different that set her apart from the other girls.

In her uncle's courts, many of the girls thought her position in life was too high, though they adored her. Éowyn had tried to be friendly, but they had remained friends at a humble distance. So at ten years, she'd never had a true friend.

However, among the boys, she made many friendships. Her best friends included Éomer and Théodred. However, at fifteen, they were becoming closer with each other and would cease their whispering as soon as they saw her. This infuriated her and she'd fight twice as hard in their practise matches.

She drew her leather tie from around her wrist and bound her waist-length hair in one long tail. It would do no good to feel sorry for herself. At least Uncle Théoden believed in her, and always would. He always said she'd do great things for Edoras and for Rohan. Maybe if she truly believed it, she'd do better in her shield-tasks. Maybe she could forget the darkness she'd left behind in Aldburg.

"Ho, Éowyn!" Théodred shouted from across the court. His blond hair hung in damp tendrils around his face, and his brown eyes twinkled mischievously at her. "Slumbering in till this late?" His shield, which had covered his chest, dropped to the ground, showing his wet shirt.

"Ugh," Éowyn rolled her eyes. "I don't want to see that, and I could probably smell you from her."

Éomer strode in behind Théoden. He grunted when he heard Éowyn's comment. "Get used to it on the battlefield, sister."

Éowyn knew her brother well enough to know he was teasing, but giving her a bit of advice as well.

"Shall we go?"

Théodred groaned. "We slaved out there while you were dreaming of some suitor. Give me a break."

Éomer shoved him forward. "What a liar. You slipped and fell in the barrel. Get out there."

Théodred laughed as he stumbled back out the door. "I'll still beat you, you know."

Éowyn huffed and followed him out into the courtyard, where many of the boys and a few of girls were hard at training. She felt self conscious, knowing she was the youngest girl of the court learning how to be a shield-maiden. The masters openly praised her, and sometimes she wished they'd only acknowledge her with an eye contact or perhaps a pat on the back. Not verbally where every ear and eye could hear and see her.

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