The Skullfox

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Name: Halo

Gender: Female

Age: 21

Sexuality: Pan

Species: Skullfox

Appearance: Halo is 4"6, not including her ears, which are both one foot and a half. She has one inch long black fur, and purple eyes. Her snout is short-midlength. She has big hips and legs and strong arms. She has a mane of fur around her neck. Her tail is draconian, covered in ebony scales and tipped with a tuft of dark lavender fur. She has short periwinkle spines, all the way to the end of her tail. Her back is coated in bright, glowing indigo runes of some unknown language. She is about average weight. Her head is a fox skull. While she isn't large, she certainly isn't a supermodel. After all, none of us are.

Clothing: She wears a grey t-shirt two sizes too large underneath a blue and navy hoodie. Halo also wears a pair of baggy violet shorts.

Likes: Darkness, the cold, fresh air, climbing, heights, horror movies

Dislikes: Bright lights, creepy fans (don't ask, please)

Fears: Being forgotten, things under her bed even though she is the thing under people's beds that they're scared of

I'm going to use my custom reference sheet for her when I finish it.

Scenario One: You are at a beachside party at night. People are dancing to music, the clinking of glasses comes from the bar, and the coloured lanterns throw beautiful images on the ocean. You spot a strange shadow moving towards you.

Scenario Two: You are lost in the woods, having moved away from the path enough that you got disoriented. A twig snaps behind you.

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