What Have I Done

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** Special Chapter - Addison Montgomery's POV.  // Location: Hawaii 

(chapter contains a few swear words)

The bird's eye view of the morning horizon, and the natural sky-scraper us humans decided to call mountains threw upon me a wave of relief, calm, joy... Overall filling me with bewilderment and curiosity about what might fall under our noses during the next two weeks while sunbathing in Hawaii.

Addison here! Derek asked me to write something on a sheet of paper about whatever happens during the trip so he could at least picture himself experiencing the island. As you probably figure out, we're still on the place. Eight more hours till we get there! Mark is right next to me, but he's asleep. Realize how my page is still tidy and intact? Anyway, Nai and Sam are all the way at the front, so I'm not sure whether they're still up or not. I'm going to pass by them in a bit once the turbulence passes because I need a stretch and the bathroom. Now that I mentioned it, I think my need for the restroom went from a 7 to a 14. The only thing I can think about is the bathroom. Great.

There goes Mark wasting half my page with his sloppy drawings and signature

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There goes Mark wasting half my page with his sloppy drawings and signature. If you haven't watched it already, grab some of the "Friends" DVD's that are probably at the back of some drawer and binge the whole show. It's so freaking good. I've watched it over 4 times and I'm watching some episodes on the plane now. I tried getting Derek to watch it but he was strongly against it because he's a boring old man. Surgery this, surgery that, surgery where, surgery how. That all he seems to think about nowadays. I don't blame him though, I mean we are about to become 3rd years in what? Like 4, maybe 5 months? You still need to get some time to forget about your worries and just, relax! If there were one person in the world that deserved a break it would be Derek. He's constantly at the hospital doing literally anything, whether it be scut, surgeries, or watching someone else's patients from the nurse's station. Funny thing is when he isn't working, he still is. What I mean by that is that when he's not on-call and at home, he would sit and ponder about work and things he could do to help his patients. People say they('re in) love with their jobs, which don't get me wrong, I also love my job, my whole life has always revolved around my job, but Derek's love is on a whooole other level. I once caught him practicing surgery on a Jell-o at like 2:30 a.m. And this other time he was performing surgery in his sleep: he was asking for the different tools and accurately moving his hands. It's crazy...

Speaking of crazy, Mark is trying to find a way to apply just the right amount of pressure on the window to crack, but not enough to drop the plane. If I weren't to be charged with murder, he would already have my fingers clawed into his esophagus. I'm going to try to get myself to sleep for the rest of the flight so I can hop straight into the water once we land. I'll write in 'journal' this tonight.

As I promised, it's the night of the travel-in day. I did, in fact, manage to sleep on the plane, but only for 4 hours and like 45 minutes. The rest of the ride was spent watching friends and playing a few rounds of Solitaire and Rummy with the other 3. I'm not sure i mentioned this but Mark was sitting next to me the whole flight since the ticket was originally for Derek and there were no free seats left. But it's all okay, I mean it's Sloan, he's fun to be around. Pretty sure you're more interested in the beach part of today so here it is. Once we got to the resort, we all went to sleep for a few hours and when we woke up it was already sunset, perfectly splendid. The sea was so crystal clear, you could practically see the ground from the shore. There were these harmless baby hammerheads that did nothing but pass through your legs, they smooth, silky skin touching your ankles giving you the slightest bit of angst as you feel yourself relax in a body of warm and freshening water. That's about all that happened today... 6 day heaven, I'm coming for you like an emergency gurney in the E.R.

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