Underwater Hunt

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I wish for this to happen.. (╥﹏╥)

This story is a work of fiction made by a expanded imagination..



We're all currently again inside the auditorium, for the final test..

' ever since I made bam my younger brother.. We didn't got far to Rachel, as those times come Rachel is sometimes anxious or grimace at me. As if she doesn't trust me but the feeling is mutual.'

"You will be hunting underwater." Director Yu said

"Hunting?! Then I'll hint and I'll--" Rak asked and made him stood up

"You are the ones being hunted." Yu cutted him

"If you keep interrupting he'll shrink you again.." khun said while cupping his cheeks

"Well it's fun to have a little crocodile." I said and he sitted

"Bam and Rachel will become fish, and be hunted by net dolphins." He said and I became serious

"Don't worry.." Klein said

"We're here right? We're helping them.." Marcus said and I sighed in relief

"I just.. don't have enough trust to Rachel." I said

"This is a net dolphin, They hunt once a day for the next dolphin queen. Net dolphins use shinsu to create nets and trap underwater fish. Bam and Rachel will enter a bubble made of shinsu, if you are eaten along with the fish and spat back out onto dry land you will have passed the test." Yu said as the screens shows the things he's explaining

"It's the dolphins that are bringing Bam to the queen, right?" Shibisu asked

"That's correct." Yu said

"Then, what's our Job?" Klein asked

"In the natural world, there are always those who eat and those who are eaten." Yu said

"Barnacle Goblins use giant wetworms to steal the fish gathered by the net dolphins if bam and Rachel are 3atem by a worm, you fail.. And the old enemy of the Barnacle goblins and worms is the striped earthpig. When the dolphins sense the pig they flee, fearing they'll be eaten," Yu said

"In other words, our job is to make sure the dolphins can hunt freely." Khun clarified

"We just need to crush those three, right?" anaak asked

"Yes, finally pray that you don't encounter the bull. A monster that consumes everything that moves. Even rankers run from it's ferocity. But don't let your fear overwhelm you, this is your last chance to reconsider." He said


' bam..'

Right now we will send off bam and Rachel

"Bam.. be careful.." I said and hugged him tight

"Yes we will.. we will comeback!" He happily said and I eyed Rachel

"Can I talk to Rachel?" I asked and freed bam

"No, please. There's a test we have to do." She said and ignoring my gaze

"Then, I know you can't walk but, keep safe with bam." I said and she nodded

"Bam? Don't you really want to learn what I've told you before?" I asked talking about my style!

Caiherin tower of God Fanfic Khun x OCWhere stories live. Discover now