The Red Door

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This story is a work of fiction made by a expanded imagination..

The photo though.. :>


We're already inside evankhell's mothership? IDK, I wonder what's the next test is it hard or easy? Ugh, Lero ro why did you said that to bam?

"Trust no one.."

"Use them as a tool.."

"Your friends are also your enemy."

"Trust only your own self."

' yes father..'

He said I shouldn't , we shouldn't trust no one but ourselves only.. But why did he died.. I wonder if he has friends he'll be saved or not? Does my mom will be still alive or not?

"Heyy!"Reyleigh called and I faced him

" hmm?what's wrong?" I asked while sitting and wandering the area

" why did you climbed the tower?? " he asked and I looked at him

'Is he serious?'

" are you serious bout your question?" I asked with furrowed brows

'baka Marcus, baka.'

" yes I am.." He said and I sighed

" her parents died if you don't remember.." Plorevich said and I nodded

" sorry.. I'm just curious I thought she have another reason climbing the tower.. "Marcus said

(Marcus Reyleigh and Klein Ploverich OK?)

" I do have.." I said and looked up in the ceiling.

The sky is clear..

"I think it's, Not for revenge but , I don't want to follow rules anymore..Why would I follow rules? Will it give me advantages or none? Rules are for kids only.." I said and closed my eyes

"Eh?" Marcus said

"So, if someone asked what's your name what will you say?" Klein asked

"Callie Vien.." I said and sighed as I opened my eyes

* S C R E A M *

'whats that?'

"A death cry. interesting.." I said and cupped my chin

"You want to die early now huh?" Klein sarcastically said

"Was it the test?" Marcus asked

"Obviously / Of course it is." Klein and I said

"Ne~ Marcus you'll now fulfill your wish dying.." I said and made a small smile

I saw his eyes sparkle but beneath that sparkling eyes is a little nervous..

"I wonder how will the test work." Klein said

As I wander the place I saw a tunnel and a bee? Outfitted girl in front..

"I'm excited how will the test work.."I said as a smirk

" Stop scaring me.." Marcus said with crying chibi face and coming closer to me

"Yah.. Get away from me.." I said and poked his forehead

Caiherin tower of God Fanfic Khun x OCWhere stories live. Discover now