Chapter Three - Ties that Bind Us

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It was dark. I was buried in rubble, I couldn't breath, my powers didn't work. I've lived this moment countless times, this is how it all happened. There is nothing left. All my attempts to be a hero, attempts to alter the course of events that lead to this. All in vain, my family is dead, my life is fading before me.

     School was exhausting. Everyone was talking about how there interning went along with the Hero Killer. Nothing of note that I didn't expect was discussed until class began. Normal for the most part, All Might wanted us to run through a training exercise to see how much we've improved. I pulled out my notebook and got ready to tale notes, even when it was my turn to take part I waited till after to take notes on the events. Everyone seemed to improve in some way or another for the most parts, besides some notable students.

     After classes, I gotten up and exited with the flow of students, noticing Izuku wa heading away from the exit. Curiosity settling in, I began following him, using my quirk to close any gaps that would be made. Once the herd began to thin up, I was getting a better idea of where we were heading. Watching from around the corner as Izuku knocked on the teachers lounge door. He's having another one of his discussions with All Might it seems. Sighing softly, I started heading towards the main entrance. Pulling my back from my back, I began  rummaging through my belonging, looking for my notebook till I bumped into something. Swearing under my breath, I tried to use my quirk. It didn't work...?

"Where were you heading?" A very notable individual groaned.

Looking up, fixing my attire from the sudden collision, I see Aizawa.

"Huh? Oh sorry Aizawa!" I bowed, "I was looking for my... uh.."

"Your what?"

"Sorry not mine, but uh," my quirk is still out of service, "but I was looking for Izuku..."

I slumped my shoulders and began falling my gaze to the floor. Hopefully he believes this act.

"Hm, sure you were, move along."

"Alright Aizawa, uh, sorry for the bother!"

     I bowed once more and begin walking towards the exit. I could sense my quirk returning, trying to rewind to before the conversation, I get to just as my quirk returned before getting a sharp pain sent through me. Wincing, buckling over, I hold my temple with one hand and prop myself up with the other. Aizawa approached and squatted down beside me. I shakily looked up at him, what just happened?

"Care to explain?"

"I-" wincing as I feel a runny substance leaking from my nose, "..I don't know..."

     Letting go of my head, I lower myself to the ground, shifting the support from my hand to my elbow as I use my hand to catch any droplets. Reaching from from my temple to my bad trying to find some tissues, till Aizawa handed my a cloth. Looking towards it shakily before nodding lightly. Grabbing the cloth, I cover my nose. "S-sir, c-could you help me to the bath-batbroom?" He groaned before assisting me up and began walking me towards the teachers lounge. I felt weak still from the sudden pain, my head was blank.

     What's going on? I couldn't be near my limit, I didn't even use that extensively. Not even during trying, I room it light and still got there first. I'd even call it a light use since I only used it to get through a large gathering a few times and to close some gained distance. Let's retrace my use... I was using it in the hall, I  saw, no spoke, to Aizawa, he deactivated-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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