Foxy x Getting morals

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Hello lovelies! Its Bon here again. I found a story that i felt i needed to tamper. The few things i feel need changing are the pacing and morals.

 ( Here is the story if you want to read it. 

What i will be keeping the same was there characters used and how they described them. Including things such as age. 


I was standing in the room, frantically looking at the monitor, to the doors, back to the monitor. I heard a sudden running and looked frantically at the door. I jumped reaching for the door button trying to press it before. 


A hand grabbed at my arm. I looked up in terror at the being that grabbed my hand. 

"Hello there lassy, how are you doing this fine night?~" A Stunning gentleman with an eye patch, pirate coat, and a hook on one hand. 

"Nope nope nope nope! Not today Satan!" I yelled out trying to tug myself away. 

"Oh come on darling, we can have some fun~" Foxy said being very gentle and hugging me close causing me to blush. 

"N-No! I am not going to have sex with a sexy man robot before i graduate!" I yelled. 

"um... What?.." Foxy asked looking confused and scared. 

"I'm 17..." I said looking up at Foxy. Foxy froze for a moment and picked me up, placing me in the chair. 

"Child you sit here and don't leave this room. Why did they hire a CHILD?! They know what we do to night guards!!" Foxy yelled storming out. 

"She's a what?!" A confused yell from the showroom sounded like Bonnie. 

"A MINOR!!" Foxy yelled. 

"What the fuck?!" Freddy yelled looking confused. 

"I know!!" Foxy yelled out sounding disgusted. 

The rest of the night just sat where Foxy placed me. No one came to try and bother me again. Other when Bonnie gave me a blanket, Chica gave me a cup cake, Freddy gave me 50 tokens, and Foxy gave me a 3 page apology letter. I think they were all trying to say sorry. 


So yeah, that was the story. I refuse to write minors having sex. Thats gross, and illegal. 

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