☘︎︎𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑝𝑔. 1☘︎︎

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𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓁𝑒𝑒𝓃'𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝓋

I woke up around 7 AM as I did every day and got ready for work. Around 7:30 every morning I went out for my morning coffee before heading to work. Word was that now I would be 'helping' The Joker. In all honesty, I was scared and dreading the session. After all, I had of course heard of the horrible things he had done to people and how insane he was. Truthfully I didn't know how I would even start the session. By what I had heard from his other therapists, I assumed he would try to manipulate me into doing something ridiculously stupid for him which I told myself I wouldn't fall for. As I walked into work and towards the block that Joker was in I gulped. It was true. I really had to be The Jokers psychiatrist. I stared at the ugly and outdated tiled floor as I arrived to the room the Infamous Criminal stayed in. I was quickly granted permission by the guards to enter and as I walked in, the door closed behind me. I took a deep breath as I began to set my eyes on the Man staring out the window blocked with cell bars.

"Joker? I am your new psychiatrist. My name is Dr. Harleen Quinzel." I spoke softly as the Clown turned around to face me. He gave a large smile and a slight laugh which made me severely uncomfortable. I set my clipboard down on the table in the middle of the room and sat on the cheap and flimsy chair.

"Please, Sit. Lets get to know eachother." I stated, clicking my pen and looking up at the seemingly intrigued man.

"No. I'll stand. Im sick of sitting." He spoke with a voice I didn't even have the words to describe. It sounded like all he did was smoke cigarettes but it was just him. Was it? I didn't know. I honestly didn't want to argue with Joker as I was...Well..Intimidated. I noticed him walk over to me and I raise an eyebrow.

"Okay..I'll tell you some things about myself then maybe you can do the same?" I questioned, trying to get the actual session started.

"Possibly. Depends on if I want to or not, Doctor." I sighed at his response, these next few weeks were going to be extremely rough.
"Well, I was born in Gotham, I love animals, and I went to Gotham University. Your turn." I said, expecting a small response.

"Ah-Ah-Ah." He tsked. "I said possibly. I'll let it slide this time, Quinzel." He spoke. I gave a smile and gestured for him to continue.
"Hmm..Where to start..Well, I take pride in my crimes. In fact, I find everything very thrilling." He said, laughing at the end of his statement.

I was slightly disturbed but also very, VERY intrigued. I don't know why I felt this way for someone so horrid and...violent. It wasn't like me. Maybe it was just the moment? I tensed up as his laugh was just screwed into my head. It was so disturbing and horrible though I wanted to know more about the Clown Prince. He actually seemed interesting. I mean, sure, he may be a little stubborn but it was expected. After at least 4 hours of collecting information on Joker, The session was about to come to an end. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. At all.

"Well, Im afraid this has to come to an end. I appreciate your cooperation today and I am looking forward to doing this again tomorrow. I wish you a lovely evening, Joker." I stated, standing and giving a shy smile.

"Call me J."

He said simply, looking in my direction. I nod and begin to walk out of the room. Suddenly, I felt a hand wrap around my arm. I quickly looked over at the green haired man in absolute confusion, he gave a laugh and gently placed his hand on my face. I moved my face away swiftly not knowing that my cheeks were flushed.

"Have a good night, Harleen."

I gave an awkward nod and left and started rushing to my administrators to tell them about the information I gathered. After I discussed with them how everything went, I was able to leave to head home. On my way home, My administrator sent me my schedule for the week.

 On my way home, My administrator sent me my schedule for the week

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 I shrugged

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I shrugged. Seemed pretty normal. I had a session or two with Ivy before. I liked her honestly, she seemed misunderstood. This was my first session with her in a while since she had broken out. Whatever. Ivy was sweet to Me. I don't know why, but she was easy to get along with. I don't understand why others really don't like her apart from the whole crime thing..To me, more people should try to understand her. I don't know Joker well enough to defend him but he seems misunderstood too. No. Stop. These are criminals. Stop feeling so bad for them Harleen. You're better than this. They're playing mind games. Just stop and focus on the road.

𝐽𝑜𝑘𝑒𝑟𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣

I sat in my blank room, thinking about her. The session that I was forced to have with her wasn't all that bad but I personally knew that she would be easy to manipulate. Would I take advantage of her clear vulnerability? Maybe. I needed to think on it. My thinking was interrupted by guards bringing me my 'lunch.' My so called lunch was a few slices of bread, an orange, and water. It was ridiculous. Randomly, An idea popped into my head. Seduce Quinzel. Use her. Shes your one-way ticket out of here. I know how the world works and quite frankly I run this place. I will get out of here for good again. I need to. Everything was coming together. I was finally getting an idea on how to escape this hellhole. Doctor Quinzel could be extremely useful to me in the future. I couldn't give up the chance of escaping. Never. As I looked at the rotting pieces of food, I made a disgusted look. Who in their right mind would serve the 'insane' this? Well, I'm not insane. In fact, i'm quite the opposite. Im very mentally stable. I just commit crimes because of the adrenaline rush. Maybe. Maybe theres more to it, Maybe there's not. Not like I'll ever know anyway. This place RUINED ME!! They ALWAYS make the good fade into the bad. ALWAYS!! I CAN NEVER GET MY FUCKING WAY IN THIS HELLHOLE! EVER! Oh, I'll get my way alright. Just you watch. Keep your eyes on the prize. First, I had to scare her a bit though. I had an idea on how to do that.

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