✔︎𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑝𝑔. 2✔︎

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𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓁𝑒𝑒𝓃𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝓋

It was Tuesday morning. I woke up at 5 which was odd as I never wake up before my alarm goes off..Never. My alarm typically goes off at 6 AM. Shrugging, I stood and walked towards my bathroom to do my makeup as I usually would but I was interrupted by a knock at the door. Seriously? Who would knock on my door at..5:15 in the morning? Who? I groan in response and walk to my front door and open it. I look around to see nobody, but in front of my feet lay a box. I tilt my head and picked it up cautiously. Let me tell you, it smelled like cat piss. It smelt so bad. I closed my front door and locked it before bringing it into my kitchen. I set the box on my counter and grabbed some scissors, beginning to open the box when I see something brown in it. I gag at the awful stench that the boxed released when I opened it but continued. My curiosity got the best of me I guess. I fully open the box and gasp. I covered my mouth and stepped back. Who the hell sent me this? It was a fucking rabbit carcas. It had a note under it. I had to touch this thing. Are you serious? I screwed my eyes shut and shut quickly grabbed the note from under the dead rabbit. The note read,

"Hope you like my quite thoughtful gift,


He did this?! Why? Who? Isn't he in Arkham? Who did this then? It couldn't have been him. He doesn't even know where I live. I don't understand this man. He knows I love animals. I told him that. Should I confront him about this? Maybe? Would I get in trouble for that? Who cares, He needs to know he cant do this. I checked the time and it was 5:35. I made my way back to the bathroom and finished getting ready, but then, the laughter came back. His laugh was drilled into my head and it  honestly gave me a horrible migraine. It felt like someone was ripping out my eye sockets. I grabbed a tylenol from my medicine cabinet and swallowed a pill without water. Yeah, I can do that. Its a flex for me, I flex it on the people at work. Its funny to see them get so irritated with me but then I just feel bad afterwards. Soon enough, it was 6 AM. I got my uniform on and scrolled through my phone. I knew technology well for some reason but im not complaining at all whatsoever. Again, another flex. I decided to head out early and drive around Gotham for a while. I left my apartment and headed to my car. It wasn't much but it would do, some judge me for my car but I couldn't help it.

It got me to where I needed to be and that was all that really mattered

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It got me to where I needed to be and that was all that really mattered. I stopped at the coffee shop I go to every morning and got my usual drink before starting to just drive around, I passed by an alley and saw a frustrated looking man kicking trash bags. I made a sympathetic face and frowned, wishing I could help somewhat. Eventually, I arrived at work. I was again nervous for the session but I assumed all would be fine this time around. I locked my car and stepped out after I parked close to the building. As I walked in, I was greeted by one of my favorite receptionists there.

"Hi Maya! How are you this morning?" I asked, giving a genuine, soft, smile.

"Im good Harleen! How did the session with..Him..Go yesterday?" She asked in response.

"It went well. Im not too sure how Im feeling about being assigned to him but i'm trying." I spoke, laughing a little.

"Yeah, I get it. A lot of his past psychiatrists requested someone different..So, I wish you the best of luck!"

"Thank you! Have a good day!" I smile, walking off to Jokers Cell Block. When I arrive, I was greeted by the guards. As soon as I walk in, I hear a voice speak.

"Did you enjoy my gift? It was nice wasn't it?" He teased, smiling at me. I quickly tensed up, It was him. He did do that. Why? Don't even ask. I don't want to know. No thanks. Just get on with the session.

"Well, Joker-" I was almost immediately cut off.

"J. I said call me J. Does nobody listen to me in this place?"

"Apologies, J. I'm afraid I forgot. How have you been feeling-" Cut off. Again.

"You look tense. Why? I don't bite, Doctor. You're tense now but were blushing yesterday."

"J, Please let me finish and keep this on topic. I'm afraid I wasn't flushed yesterday, thank you though. Continuing with what I was saying, How have you been feeling lately? Tell me what you've been thinking about these past few days." I wasn't cut off this time. It was a fucking miracle.

"Doctor, in fact, i've been feeling great the past week," He sat in front of me at the cheap table.
"I think i'm improving, personally. I've just been thinking about the outside world outside of this hellhole. Do you know how they treat me here? Im treated like shit." He continued talking but I tuned it out. I got stuck looking at his eyes. By what he had said so far..He was just misunderstood. I honestly felt really bad. He didn't deserve to be treated so badly. Harleen. What. Are. You. Thinking. Hes a criminal. Snap out of it. Oh, but his eyes..No! Stop! Pay attention!

"I don't see you writing anything down, Quinzel."

I quickly snap out of my gaze and write down whatever I heard him say.

"Your face...Its beautiful. Youre gorgeous, Quinzel."

I blush but bite my lips to suppress it. I look back up at Joker, giving a friendly smile.

"Thank you.'Your eyes are quite nice too. Continuing-" CUT OFF! AGAIN! What the fuck!?

"Ah, wait. Did you just compliment me? Well thank you, Harleen. But, you did never answer my question about the gift I sent you. Did you like it?"

I raise my eyebrow in response, tilting my head slightly too.

"N-No. I like animals, J. I told you that."

"Ah, Ah, Ah," He tsked. God when he did that it was hot. Wait, snap out of it!

"Don't get too bratty here. I didn't know what else to get you, Doll. I'm sorry. I'll do a lot better next time, don't you worry your pretty little face."

____________________________________   my god this was fun to write, i kinda wanted to incorporate that gift thing that jared did into here so expect more yall

crazy in love (harley x joker)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora