spiders and cards

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(The little drawing is by me! Mimi dislikes dimentio)

"it'll be okay, (Y/N)! the others aren't so bad! take o'chunks for examp-" "and dimentio?" I cut Mimi off before she could even start talking about how the others were "nice people", I already know they're nice and doing this for a cause but for me to actually witness something so terrifying to my world and other dimensions out there, I fear for what they are about to become of :(.

"dimentio is....well uhm...." Mimi stammered her words and mumbled to what i think was 'he's pretty bad' but something else that i couldn't quite hear, oh well...

"listen, Mimi..i know you are trying to do this for a great cause but-" i then had an idea to stop this nightmare.

"where's the count right now?" "he's away for business, why?" "i need to get to him now..he can still stop the void at this time!" I got up and ran out the door, running to Count Bleck's office if he even had one. I ran past everyone, even Nastasia who was screaming at me to stop! I burst into Count Bleck's office to where I was met with dimentio talking to the count.. "Ah! (Y/N)! we were just talking about you~" Dimentio said with that same stupid grin on his mask like face. Count Bleck spoke, "(y/n), i heard many things about you from Dimentio..saying you tried stopping the chaos heart.." "n..no that's not true! i was just coming in here to tell you to sto-" "see, count bleck?~ it's true she's trying to sabotage our plans to erase all evil in this world, she just wants more evil in the world, simple humans as herself cannot be trusted without an eye on them..~" "DIMENTIO IT'S NOT TRUE!" I yelled at Dimentio, about to slap him before the count stopped me, "you may leave Dimentio...I will discuss this with miss (y/n) for now." dimentio left as i was seated in a chair. "Clearly you have no idea what he's talking about, so none of this could be true." Count Bleck started, thank goodness.. "but from what I know, you know all about the chaos heart's power and what cause it can do..am I correct?.." I nod slowly. "i see, well do you know why we have the chaos heart in use?" I nod once more. "Tell me why.." "you're using it to erase every dimension to create perfect new ones, ones where all the evil is gone...ones where none of that icky stuff..bu-" I began before the count stop me. He nodded and he had a look of impression of my knowledge.

Count bleck was always a mysterious character, no matter what he does!! He always has been like that! Keep this in mind though..I still know more than him..I know timpani is still alive..but not in the way he expects.

"Count, you can still stop it!!!" He looked at me with a "hm?" Coming out of him quietly. "You don't have to be the bad guy in this, She's still out there!! What if you-" "I am assuming I know who you are talking about.." uh oh...I don't like his tone. "She's gone forever, my dear...gone just like the people who took her away from me.." I sat there silently, did he kill them!? I could...see why actually- but if I didn't convince him now, he'll kill everyone else too...mom...the nice lady from the antique store...millions of families!!

The Count then began speaking. "..tell me, y/n. How do you know her? It's been years since I've met anyone who has known my dearest, timpani.." Oh no, I've doomed myself- "AH well you see uh I-" suddenly Mimi came running in!! "COUNT, YOU NEED TO KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO THAT SMILING FREAK!!" Poor Mimi! She was fighting Dimentio if I remember! "Mimi? what is the meaning of such an outburst?" the count spoke. "It's that silly clown! he ruined my fun with y/n!!" she then looked at me. "oh! hello y/n!!" "u-uh! hello M-Mimi!" i was confused, this was all so confusing, first I'm playing paper mario on my wii and then i get kidnapped by an evil clown then forced to join this clan to save the whole world!? I have no hope do I? "may i uh...be excused please?" i asked in a weak voice. come on y/n, you can be tougher than that, not some weak pebble! "you are dismissed, dear. Now, Mimi, please have a seat and we will discuss this matter like normal civilized beings." I quickly run out of the office, looking for my room. "no...not here...not there...UGH" this castle was maze, just like in the game, i hate this stupid castle.

I continue to run around the castle before getting a weird feeling of being stalked. I quickly turn around to find no one before smelling a strong scent of lavender...it was him...of course.

"hello darling!~ i see you've managed to meekly escape that count bleck, and yet here you are still having even more trouble, like a fly caught in a web full of spide-" "can you go away!? you are even more annoying than your coded se-" i cover my mouth after that, I nearly slipped up, but this caught that smiling freak off guard. This can give me a chance to leave and before I do make my escape, I'm getting stopped by him again.. "Now now, that's no way to treat your friend~" "we are not friends.." "If you needed guidance, you should've just asked!~" We were transported to my room, just with a little flip like in the game.

"Say, how do you know so much? I'm just dying to know!~" Dimentio spoke out, as if he was a curious child wanting to know what his presents ar- oh no, I'm even starting to speak like hi- OH WHATEVER! what am I supposed to say!? tell him that he's from a forever loved classic video game for all from an intergalactically stage of the multiverse? then again he would be too weirded out by that I guess-

"I've...read about your team...about who the count really is. I don't know anything else, i'm sor-" He got closer to me, too close. "and who might our dearest count be?~"  oh geez, that's not good. "u-uh! well he's a man of a lot of things! evil, power, the owner of the dark prognosticus." "oh please, darling...you know more than we know about him, more than that nasty Nastasia!~" "I don't know anything else, now will you stop pestering me!?" I ran away as quick as I could to escape that freak, scared as he chased me down quickly, not giving up. 

I finally lose him by making a sharp left turn and hiding behind the wall, this caused Dimentio to keep running straight forward before I ran the opposite direction and hiding in a room I think he couldn't find me in, that was until I seen an open window and tried climbing out before getting caught by Dimentio. " ah ah ah, dearie~ we can't have you escaping from us like last time~" "LET ME GO!!" I head butted Dimentio before running away from him as fast as I could, only to lose him by running inside what seemed to be Mimi's room.

 I quickly rush to her closet and hide, I could hear every little bell jingle from this freak getting closer and closer to the closet before hearing the door open and a distressed Mimi's voice. " DIMENTIO, YOU PEEPING TOM! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!" and Dimentio was shoved out of the room follow with a door slam, what a relief! "ugh, what am i going to do with that clown?..hm?" I slowly yet wobbly exit the closet, " i..is he gone?" "(Y/N)!!" "shhh mimi, you bring him back!" I was hugged tightly by Mimi, she was much smaller compared to me, huh..strange. "I'm guessing he won't leave you alone, hm?" "No, I don't know how to get away! he just keeps finding me everywhere I go..I don't know what to do.." I hung my head sadly, a little scared on what's gonna happen to me. "hm..hey! how about you come on the next mission with me? it'll be fun! just two girls together having a blast!" Mimi said with the happiest smile on her face! " i don't know, mimi.." "oh come on! it'll be fun! besides we could learn about each other in our own special way!" "...o..okay...okay! i'll go with you." "HURRAYY!! (Y/N) IS ON MY TEAM!! come on, let's get ready for our next mission!" 


"But Y/N isn't going anywhere without me~"

(oh mah gawd, THIS TOOK ME WAY LONGER THAN I NEEDED IT TO BE, i am so sorry to all of you who had just adored this fanfic and get so confuzzled on why I left this on a cliff hanger only to be showered with a/n after a/n but it is finally here. I hope you all enjoyed it and know that no..i didn't abandon this little treasure... thank you all so much for supporting this fanfiction that I honestly thought would flop but here we are with 11.2k viewers and 25 bookmarks! i might do a Q&A if you guys really want that! once again, thank you to everyone who liked this fanfiction!)

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