unexpected sleepover

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(Dimentio's PoV)

This girl is honestly adorable..has she not seen my powers in the little game she plays? unfortunately she finally escapes my grasp which makes me upset.."i thought you'd be excited or happy to see me, my dear (Y/N)", i said in a voice of saddness..hoping she would feel pity and apologize..but to my mistake..her face looked like they had seen a ghost some sort...and breaks free from my grip quickly, taking that as the opportunity to run off.."just let her run all the way home, dimentio.." And did she honestly forget i could teleport? This girl is just too cute for her own good! I waited for her to get home..so i could suprise her. I teleported to her apartment window..seeing her out of breathe, she's adorable..and the fleshy body makes her even more adorable..but then i see her walk to another room...the bathroom. What is she honestly doing? I know she isn't just going to take a shower...no..she knows I'm watching her...she knows i was always watching her from afar ever since i seen her draw that picture of me.

(First person's PoV) (basically your point of view)

I ran like lightening after escaping dimentio's grip on me. I got inside my house, quickly locking the door and running to the restroom...feeling like I'm about to throw up after seeing the sight of Dimentio. 'This can't be real' i thought to myself before looking through the bathroom mirror which caught a glimpse of a masked figure.. He's watching me.. I thought to myself before dropping to my knees..face in the toilet..throwing up my guts what it felt like, i was so scared..he knows were i live..he knows what i look like...he knows my name.. What else does he know, where i go to school at? How old i am? Who's my crush???? Ugghh this is so stressful! I need to lay down and sleep before i die out of fear. Maybe i should take a bath so i can be relaxed.. Hopefully that little masked creep doesn't watch me bathe.

(Dimentio's PoV)

"Oh dear..the young one must be sick.." I say to myself while watching her throw up, poor thing..i'll promise to make it up to her! She can be apart of the small group we have!...but...wait.. What if the others like her as much as i love her!? U know Mimi likes boys but..what if she secretly likes beautiful girls like my (y/n) and nastasia would just love her..O'Chunks could try and impress her, Mr. L could try anything like seducing her..and then count bleck..he could as her to rule the dimensions with him..but i want her to rule all dimensions with me and only me. As i see the girl getting undressed, i decide to just leave her be and explore around her apartment..i mean..who would take a bath at 12 at night!?

I look at all her family pictures..along with her friend i believe while looking at this one picture, it was..pretty..then i spotted this one picture..them and.. "A boy!?" I said to myself before looking closer at it..his hand..was on her waist!? Does this human have...a boyfriend!? I hope not..aren't grownups too old to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? Don't they get married right away? I believe this girl is a grownup..they have their own house. I'll have to ask her once she gets out of the tub.

It's been about 15 minutes already, which seemed like an hour or 2. I then realize I'm falling asleep on her couch, strange..i'm never tired..and i never sleep..but it would sure be rude to fall asleep here, so i wait til she gets out...but...i can't...keep....my eyes...open....ZzZz

(First person(A.k.a (Y/N)'s PoV)

I finally get out of the shower, i felt sooo relaxed. I put on my favorite pajamas and walk to my room before noticing something glimmering in the moonlight on my couch..and the thing that makes me scared the most is that it is really dark..i quietly run over to turn on the light to find a small dimentio, sleeping on my couch. I nearly screamed after figuring out Dimentio could get into my house. "Oh god!" I said to myself as i gently pick up dimentio..along with hit floating hands..hm..strange.

Dimentio is really light for him just being a floating jester thing, but where do i put him? I can't just throw him outside, he'll get hurt...tbh he deserves to get hurt. Trying to take over the world and take luigi hostage is something a monster would do and a person should be harmed for doing that...especially if they take luigi... But still..and if i leave dimentio in the bathroom, he will just teleport out :/...wait....n o..i am NOT putting this little stalker in my bed..nu uh..no..nun...nah..he can sleep on the floor, who knows what he'll do to me if i left him in bed...with me...but..he can't just sleep on the floor..maybe I'll put him on the couch..yeah.. I lay dimentio on my bed for awhile while i fix a small bed for him on the couch. I then pick up dimentio again and put him on the couch..covering him up with a blanket, hoping he'll except it and won't crawl into my bed and hump my leg to death, but after tucking dimentio in bed, i go to my room and fall asleep in my bed...what an unexpected sleepover bur all in all.. Tomorrow is another day...

(Updating)"Darling, Oh Dear~" Yandere dimentio x chubby readerWhere stories live. Discover now