Author's Note

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hey hey hey! this is so far my second book ever since i started writing and to be honest.. i still suck at writing ideas and plots because i always get writer's- block heehhsaaushsue. lastly please expect grammatical errors and confusing plots i'm no close to being a professional this is all fun and games c:

-will be using lower-case letters for the entire book.
-it will always be the author's point of view.
-this book is only based on both angst or fluff NOTHING else.
-plagiarism is a crime!
-everything is fiction, jungwon has nothing to do with this hshshshs.
-feel free to comment anything, if it's either advice or just basically reaction (pls let's avoid negativity here hehe)
-i have 2 books waiting for you to read them ^^ just check my profile if you want to read it— although those books suck im literally the worst writer here. anYwAys...ENJOY!

warning: if you dislike disoriented and flawed characters making wrong decisions, then this story is not your cup of tea. you can go and read something else.

-rea ㅇ ㅗㅇ

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