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"thanks for today, i really needed it."

jiyeon let out one last smile towards him before she turned around and walked back home.

the cold wind brushed against her face. she remained unbothered, walking along the dark road. her silence was disturbed when she heard her phone buzzing inside her bag.


"so...how was tonight?" a faint laugh was heard, jiyeon definitely realizing it was yena with heejin giggling from the background from her line.

"it was okay. we watched a movie and that's about it."

"i think that's what you call a date, jiyeon." yena snorted from the other line, teasing her friend to the limit.

jiyeon on the other hand, didn't bother fighting back, there was no way in ending yena and heejin's endless bickering.

"hate to break the bubble to you, but good luck finding a ride tomorrow!" she practically yelled as she pressed the speaker phone and shouted her throat towards the phone.

"wait kang jiyeo-"

call ended.

jiyeon couldn't help but laugh after dropping the call. she sighed and put her phone back in her pocket, hands gripping on the straps of her bag and galloped on the lonely sidewalk towards her home.


"dad, i'm ready to go." jiyeon spoke, as she finished strapping her school shoes and putting on her blazer. her dad met her gaze and smiled, signalling her to get inside the car.

the ride was quiet. jiyeon didn't bother speaking up, getting a bit scared that she might upset her dad to whatever topic she decides to bring up. "about that dad, yena and heejin are taking the bus today."

"really? why so?"

"they pissed me off last night." she blew a raspberry, rolling her eyes. her dad noticed from the mirror. "how did they exactly piss you off?"

"they're teasing me about a boy i hang out with yesterday."

"a boy huh?" the man spoke, feeling quite curious. jiyeon was quick to know what's going on. "don't worry dad, i have no serious feelings towards him, we're just friends."

the father sighed in relief and smiled. after that conversation, the entire ride to school only had the sound of the air conditioner being heard. each were on their own thoughts.

"here we are." her dad said and pulled the brakes. "have a good day dad, i'll see you at dinner." she pecked her father's cheek and opened the door to exit the vehicle.


a voice shouted from her back. jiyeon turned around and there she saw the boy she was talking about earlier.

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