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the sun was now nowhere to be seen. jungwon and jiyeon remained resting on the cliff, lying down on the soft grass to watch the stars.

"do you know anything about astrology, jungwon?" she rolled her eyes towards him yet his was too occupied by looking up to the dark sky.

"not really, i have more interest in other things. you know?"

"lucky. my dad wants me to be a scientist— work at NASA even. as if i could get jobs like that, i'm practically failing biology, chemistry— whatever, i'll just shut up."

he let out a soft laugh then slowly turning his head to her, finally, she met his dark brown orbs. "maybe your dad just wants the best for you, it's rare to have a father that cares so much about you."

"my dad is far from caring about me. ever since that accident happened, he couldn't even bare to look at me as his own daughter. he was embarrassed for me. two years of trying to yearn his trust back for me only to end up treating me as a baby who couldn't walk on her own feet."

jiyeon sat up, rubbing both of her eyes to again observe the view below her. jungwon remained to lie down. thoughts kept lingering in his mind about the girl. she seemed so interesting yet so complicated.

"stand up."


"stand up." he demanded, standing up himself and extended his arm to her direction.

she willingly accepted, jungwon pulling her up from the ground. "where are we going?"

"let's explore this place." he spoke, eyes wondering the surrounding.

"i'm not letting you go. snakes, even lions can be hunting for their prey if we go back down there, don't you dare leave this spot yang jungwon."

jiyeon gritted her teeth, giving all of her force to pull him back. jungwon though shook his arm to remove from the girl's grip, as if something caught his attention.

"jungwon please just stop." she pushed her hair back when the lad wasn't following words that are coming into his ears.

"hey psst, psst." he muttered, leaving jiyeon clueless.

"why are you calling me as if i'm an animal— oh." she paused. jungwon slowly turned his heel to face her, yet there was a tiny ball of fur resting on his arms, a stray cat to be precise.

jiyeon's face softened once her eyes landed on the poor fella who was filled with scratches; probably because it wasn't safe here in the wild.

"jungwon let go of the cat. it might hurt you a-and you don't even know if it has rabies." she gestured him to leave the kitten to where he found it, slightly pushing him as well.

"don't be heartless for once jiyeon, look at it, it's all bruised up. we should at least feed it before we leave it— and we're definitely not leaving it here." jungwon inched the kitten towards her face only for her to run away from it.

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