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"Don't... do anything, ******!"




"How dare you! You Bastard. ********!"




"Forgive me..."




The massive high school towers over all the other buildings in this bustling urban area. It's like the school stands at the center of the entire world. It brings in top students from every field imaginable. A government-funded school of privilege. They say that if you come here and manage to graduate, you'll be set for life. With hundreds of years of tradition, it sends the cream of the crop into the work force every year. It was built to raise hope in the nation's future. Which makes Hope's Peak a pretty fitting name.

There are two things you need to attend this school... One, you have to already be attending high school. Two, you have to be the very best at what you do. No ordinary student could enroll here. The only way in is if you're scouted by the school itself.

And standing there at the gate of the ultimate school filled with the ultimate students...

A small teenage boy stands at the gates. he looks determined as he looks through the letter he got. 

...was me.



" Dear Makoto Naegi: We selected 1 average student via lottery. For winning, we acknowledge your 'Ultimate Luck' "

They spelled it out plain as day--I got invited by pure luck. Honestly, I probably would have been better off just declining their offer. But after hearing how graduating was a "guarantee for success" later in life, I just couldn't say no.

 I still couldn't believe it. I mean, Look at me. I'm just a boring nobody. My hobbies, grades, and overall appearance is just average. But still... Here I am, standing in front of the anything but ordinary Hope's Peak Academy. 

"I still can't believe I'm here. I mean, do I really deserve this?" There are so many other kids that have talents that could make them into a super star or might benefit them in the future. I wonder if I even survive in a place like this.

Hope's Peak only invites those students who are the truly elite in their field. It's such a popular topic, there are threads online dedicated to talking about the school's attendees. So to prepare, I looked up some of the those threads. And all I saw was talk about "ultimate" students, who were way beyond your average high schooler.

For example, one incoming student is the "Ultimate Pop Sensation." I guess she's a high school girl who's also the lead singer for a pop group famous all over the country.

There's also the "Ultimate Baseball Star." He was the cleanup hitter for the national high school champs. Pro teams already have their eyes on him.

Then there's the "Ultimate Fashionista." She's been on the cover of tons of fashion magazines. She's what every high school girl wants to be.

Oh, and they mentioned the "Ultimate Biker Gang Leader." The scary thing is, he's the de facto leader of every biker gang in Japan. Gangs everywhere love the guy.

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