It's gotta be a lie!

6 0 0




"Where is she?"




"You bitch!"




"Don't do it!"




*Bing bong ding dong*

The monitor ranged. All our heads turned to the sound. Suddenly,  the screen lights up, showing a distorted looking...bear?

"Ahem! Ahem! Testing, testing! Mike check, one two! This is a test of the school broadcast system! Am I on? Can everyone hear me? Okay, well then...!"  The voice seemed totally out of place. It was so playful, so completely unconcerned... I couldn't help but feel a deep, unnerving dread at the sound of it. It was like hearing someone laugh at the scene of an accident.

"Ahh, to all incoming students! I would like to begin the entrance ceremony at...right now! Please make your way to the gymnasium at your earliest convenience. ...That's all. I'll be waiting!" That's the last thing it said before shutting off.

Everyone turned to each other, certainly looking bothered.  "...What. The. Hell was that just now?" Junko questioned. Byakuya scoffed as he headed towards the exit. "Well then, if you'll excuse me... " and with that, he left.



Ridiculous.  Utterly ridiculous. My shoes clasped against the ground as I walked to this gym. They are acting like animals. What kind of Lowlife would kidnap someone as great as me? What kind of tricks is our perpetrator hiding? They probably don't even realised that we all have been kidnapped. Though, I bet their commoner brains wouldn't handle it.

I finally make my way to the gym and open the doors. As  I walked in, I was introduced to trophies. I look at them with great detail. 'Top school in all of Japan, 2011.' That's weird. Last time I checked, It was 2010. I just got my acceptance letter. Why does this trophy say 2011? I shake it off as a typo. Seriously, something as prestigious as Hopes Peak, They make a typo on one of their own trophies.

I push open the actual doors to the gym. There is a stage with a few balloons on the floor. I sigh and take a seat on the benchers. When would this be all over? I rub my temples when I hear the door open. I look up to see Seaweed hair, baseball boy, and computer girl walk in. "Is this the gym?" The girl said. "No, it's a bowling alley- Yes it's a gym." The girl shriveled when I said that and went to the side of the gym. Honestly, these imbeciles will be nothing but a waste.

Gradually, everyone entered the gym. We all await the stupidity of what that thing said on the monitor. "Hey there, howdy, hello! Is everyone here? Good! Then let's get things rolling!" A strange voice said. Suddenly, we all turned towards the stage.  All of a sudden, a black and white bear shot up from the desk. "Huh? A teddy bear?" Fujisaki asked. "I'm not a teddy bear!! And I am this school's headmaster!" 




This is...certainly strange. A moving and talking bear saying that their our headmaster? It's not everyday that you see that. But I'm more concern as to why a talking bear claims to be the head master. The fact that 15 students are in a school they don't remember walking in on, the windows are shut with iron walls, and all of a sudden this bear says its our headmaster tells me that they're are things going on behind the scenes.

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