thirty three

438 15 1

Jamilah POV

"Jungkook, please listen." I sighed, trying to remain calm. "You were definitely sleeping with Jay." Jungkook glares at me. "I was not. You have my location and my phone is never on do not disturb when I'm outside the dorm. I just need you to listen to me. I would never cheat on you, period. We've been over this before."

"Then, why are you always over there?" Jungkook asked me accusingly. "That's just where I like to be. When I'm there, I always bring one of the girls with me. Plus, Johnny has a girlfriend now."

"And? What does that prove?" He asked me, on the brink of tears. "Jungkookie, where was I on Saturday night?" I ask Jungkook. "You were in the living room watching Shameless with Tae and Jimin Hyung." I raise my eyebrows. "So where does me sneaking off with Johnny come into play if I was in the living room all night?"

Jungkook takes a moment to think. "Nowhere..." He mumbles. "Exactly, remember what your therapist said, the only way we can make this work is if we trust each other." Jungkook sighs. "I'm sorry Jamilah. I shouldn't have just gone off what Yoongi Hyung said knowing he doesn't approve of us being together." I hugged my boyfriend, kissing his cheek. 

"It's fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go talk to Yoongi." I walked out of the dorm and headed to the other side of campus.

In the rain. I didn't bother to put a jacket on. I knock on their door and Jin opens it. "Hey Jamilah, how are you?" Jin hugs me and I sigh. "I'm fine, JinJin. I came here to talk to my dumbass cousin." Yoongi walks to the door. "Who's a dumbass? I'm not a dumbass."

I roll my eyes and grab the grump man, pulling him out into the hallway. "Care to explain why you told Jungkook I was cheating on him?" I cross my arms. "Simple. You two need to break up." I furrow my eyebrows. "You can't just walk around breaking people up just because you don't like the thought of them together!" I exclaimed.

"Wendy has done enough damage on her own can we please just have this one thing?" My voice cracks. "Jamilah I know what's best for you. I'm your best friend, I know you." He said calmly. "You know me, not my relationship. Could you at least TRY to warm up to Jungkook again? You knew him before you knew me." Yoongi looked around. "Fine." A smile appeared on my face as I threw my arms around the man. "Thank you, Yoongs."

Yoongi sighs. "I'm only doing this for you." 

"I figured."

I walked back to my wing happily and burst inside my dorm. "Miyamoto! Operation Get-Yoongi-To-Like-Jungkook-Again was a success!" I chimed happily,

"Yay!" Jungkook laughed.

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