Lies and Deceit

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Aikaterine hadn't exactly been fully truthful. That wasn't how the night had ended, but more how it had started. 

She and Barbara had had a nice long dinner - pizza again - laughing and chatting the whole way.  Aikaterine didn't think she would ever feel so comfortable in the World of Man and yet, when with Barbara, all that discomfort melted away, leaving her open to enjoy herself. 

And enjoy herself she did.

She walked Barbara home again - she wanted to spend more time with her, and felt better about Barbara not walking alone. This was especially true since Diana told her she had helped Barbara fend off an attacker. 

When they reached Barbara's apartment, they stood staring at each other in the doorway.

"Thank you for walking with me."

"Of course."

"Would you, um, like to, come in?" Barbara asked. 

Aikaterine didn't hesitate. "Yes, okay."

Barbara smiled and unlocked her apartment, leading her inside. "I'm sorry for the mess - but you've seen the state of my office, so you've seen worse."

"You have a lovely home."


They resumed their silence staring at each other.  

"Can I get you anything? A drink?"

"Oh, no thank you."

Suddenly, they both came together at the same time, like a magnet drawing them together, and met in the middle in a passionate embrace. 

"Oh I've been wanting to do this for a long time,"  Barbara admitted with a sigh.  "But we always seemed to be in public."

This statement confused the redhead. "Why does that matter?"

Barb seemed surprised but also impressed at her lack of worry over this.  "Well two women kissing? People aren't exactly so receptive of that."

"Why not?"

"They think it's wrong. Not everyone, but lots do."

"Well then this world is wrong. Where I come from, women fall in love and marry and raise families together. Are equals and leaders."

"Wow, I'd love to see this place."

Maybe someday I can show you... Show a human Themyscria? Barbara was definitely making her lose it.  But honestly, she didn't care. 

They continued with their embrace and suddenly, Barbara had her pressed up against the wall.

"Wow, you're strong." She didn't think mortals usually had such intense physical strength. 

"I know, I don't know what's happening, but suddenly I'm stronger than I know," Barbara cried.

"You were always stronger than you knew. And strong is wildly sexy." Aikaterine flipped them so that now she had Barb pressed into the wall. 

"Speaking of strong," Barbara laughed. Then she moaned as Aikaterine kissed her. 

And that was only the beginning.

When Aikaterine awoke the next morning, she was in Barbara's bed, Barb next to her. 

 But suddenly, it wasn't Barbara in bed next to her, but instead Diana. Diana smiling warmly and blissfully back at her, Diana reaching out to touch her cheek. 

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