Part 3

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Klaus Elywn Baudelaire was nowhere to be found underneath the millions of bags Isadora ordered him to carry. "Isa, do you really need this many fancy dresses?"
"Half of these are for your sister. She gave me a list, I'm following,"
"Why do we need boxing gloves? Those aren't on the list," Klaus asked as Isadora looked at shoes. She chuckled to herself, as if he had said something funny, "girlfriend Is pyhsco, noted,"
"I'm not your girlfriend,"
"You told me you are in love with me this morning,"
"I love a lot of people,"
"We kissed,"
"Are you sure? I feel like you're making things up?"
"Fine, Isadora Quagmire, will you be my girlfriend?"
"I'll have to check with my boyfriend," Isadora responded, "What?"
"Yeah, he has brown eyes that sparkle in the sunshine, these nerdy glasses that don't look good on any one, yet he looks amazing in them. Neat brown hair, and he loves books, probably more than he loves me," Isadora described, walking towards him. "W-what's h-his n-name?" Klaus stuttered.
"Klaus Elywn Baudelaire you are a fucking moron,"
"HE DID WHAT?" Quigley yelled.
"Quigley, ca-"
"I won't, no one can hurt my Violet and get away with it,"
"I'm fine, really, I'll live," Violet told him, he kissed her hand, "if you insist," he mumbled, "are you sure you don't want me to kick his ass?"
Violet giggled, "yes I'm sure,"
"But he ra- hello, sunshine," Sunny walked into room. "Who did what?"
"Duncan raided 667 Dark Avenue," Violet told her little sister,.
"not surprised," she mumbled.
"None of us are," Quigley chuckled.
"I heard yelling, is she something wrong?" Justice Strauss asked coming in the room. "No, Vi just told me something surprising," Quigley told her.
"What happened?" Violet subtly gestured to Sunny, "I see, tell me later,"
"What is it?" Sunny asked.
"I can't tell you right now, Sunshine,"
"Why not?"
"Someone hurt your sister," Quigley told her.
"Are you going to kick their ass?" Sunny asked.
"Sunny!" Violet exclaimed.
"Even your little sister thinks I should beat up Omar,"
"You are not beating up anyone,"
"Including Duncan?"
"Excluding Duncan, obviously," Isadora said walking in the secondary living room. "Thank god! I could do with a shower!" Violet exclaimed. "Okay, the bags with Violets stuff are with Sunny and Beatrice's in the room on the right, in the room on the left I threw Quigley's stuff on one side and Klaus on the other, now let's figure out our sleeping situation. I think we should keep Sunny and Beatrice in the room with the twin beds, Justice Strauss said we have two spare mattresses, so we can put one in between them and I'll sleep there. Since there is a queen sized bed in the other room, Violet and Quigley should just share that, because it would be much less awkward then if it was Klaus and I, and then we'll lock Klaus in the library. What do you think?"
"That works," Quigley responded.
"Yesss! I get to be in the library!" Klaus exclaimed
"You do things like that and then wonder why your nickname is bookworm," Isadora told him, "Quigley do you know the number to the balloon, we promised we'd call,"
"Yeah, it's written in the inside cover of my commonplace book,"
"Got it," Isadora told him as she looked inside the purple notebook and began to dial the numbers. "Hello?" Hector's voice echoed over the phone.
"Hey, Hector, has moron died yet,"
"No, he has been waiting for you to call though, Duncan, your sister is on the phone,"
"Hey Isa, are you guys alright? Where are you staying? Did you find the Baudelaires? Has Violet said anything about me? Did you tell the Bookworm?" Duncan interrogated.
"Relax, we are fine, we are staying with a friend of Quigley's and the Baudelaires, her name is Justice Strauss. Yes we found the Baudelaires, we've hardly had a chance to speak about anything but where to go next, Klaus and I did get a moment alone, and he is now my boyfriend, anything else?"
"That's great Isa! I can't wait to come on Sunday!"
"Duncan, we have talked about this, not until we know it's safe,"
"We'll be safer together, where's Quigley?"
"He's right here, Quigley, phone!"
"Hello this is Quigley Quagmire,"
"I know who you are. Anyways, are you trying to find that girl you have a massive crush on? And what is her name?"
"You tell me first! I heard you also have a crush on someone, but Isa won't tell me who,"
"Are you trying to find yours?"
"I found her, and I told her I am in love with her, and she felt the same way," Quigley turned, Violet had left the room, as did Klaus, he lowered his voice, "you know how Mom left me the ring?"
"I think I might propose,"
"That serious?"
"Duncan, I love her more than anything, even though I've known her for a second, it has felt like a lifetime,"
"I am happy for you, congratulations, what's her name?"
"Violet Baudelaire," Duncan choked on air, "Duncan? Is something wrong,"
"N-no, everything is great here, perfectly wonderful, my life is at a high,"
"Okay, then, I'll see you in a few days, and then you can tell me the name of your girlfriend and we can try to find her,"
"O-Okay, I-I'll see you, say bye to Isa," Duncan hung up the phone.
"I wonder what that was about,"
"Did you not see me telling you to cut it out?" Isadora asked him as Quigley shook his head, "he has a crush on Violet, moron,"
"Vi?" Quigley questioned walking into their room, she wasn't there, so Quigley walked into the garden, "Violet?" He saw a note on the bench. "No, no, no, no, no, please be fake, please be a joke. Vi you can come out now!" Quigley panicked.
"What does the note say?" Klaus asked as Quigley paced around the library.
"Baudelaires, Quagmires, we have your precious sister slash friend slash fiancé, if you ever want to see her alive, you will bring the sugar bowl to the address below. See you Monday, Esme, Omar and the sinister duo," Isadora read. "We know they aren't keeping her at the ruins of Hotel Denouement," Klaus commented. "Esme recently bought a mansion in the city, she must be there," Quigley mumbled.
"Okay, stop pacing, it won't help us find her any faster,"
"You don't understand! What if Omar hurts her again? What if I lose her? I can't lose her, not again," Quigley had tears storming down his face, "I love her,"
"We'll get her back," Isadora told him, going to the phone and picking it up, "Hello?...It's Isa... I- I know, I knew the whole time... listen that doesn't matter I need you to get Hector to come to Count Olaf's house, actually across the street, immediately. ... what do you mean 'why'? Your brother fucking needs you, you don't ask why.... Violet was kidnapped, maybe that will tell you to come down," Isadora slammed down the phone.
"Isadora, why would you do that? Duncan hates me,"
"If we are going against the wicked side of VFD we need help,"
"Okay, fine,"
Violet opened her eyes, she was in a very comfortable bed, she must of fainted or something and was put in the room with the queen bed. Her eyes darted around the room, this wasn't Justice Strauss's house. She was in a canopy bed, with rose gold iron beams, and a light pink tulle over. There was a quartz floor with pale pink walls. "Where the hell am I?" She questioned herself. "Good morning, sweetheart," Omar's voice echoed down the hall. "Finally decided to wake up, I see,"
"Where am I?"
"Why am I here?"
"Esme needs the sugar bowl and out of all your friends, I enjoy our company, don't you?" Omar brushed his fingers along her cheek, Violet slapped his hand, "No, I don't,"
"I know, you are soon to be married, though I don't see the sapphire,"
"What are you referring to?"
"You mean, you don' t know?" Violet shook her head.
"Well, I don't want to ruin your boyfriend's surprise,"
"I'm not even going to say anything,"
"Your daughter is cute or should I say, my sister. That's right, I know my parents had another child before their death,"
"It was your mother's dying wish for me to take care of her,"
"You think I want to take care of her? Nah, you can raise her, teach her all of your morals and shit. You convinced the bank you can take care for yourselves, and therefore I have a proposition, marry me, and I will convince everyone else to stop bothering your siblings and friends,"
"No fucking way,"
"It isn't very ladylike to curse,"
"It isn't very ladylike to punch someone in the face, but I'd still do it without hesitating,"
"My deal is a good on, compared to what the rest of the squad has in store for you, let me save you, Violet,"
"You want to save me? Let me go, help my siblings, my friends, and I escape,"
"Farewell, dear Violet, I'll be back later," Omar smirked, locking the door.
How was she going to escape?

That's not how the story goesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن