Part 4

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Isadora Duncan Quagmire watched her brother pace around the room with a solemn expression. There was no use saying anything to him as Quigley was in a horrible position. "Quigley, why don't you come eat-"
"I'm not hungry,"
"Why don't we look at the Atlas, come tell me your favorite country," Klaus suggested. "I want to learn about maps," Sunny commented
"Sorry, Sunshine, I'm not in the mood,"
"Let's call Duncan and pretend we're twins,"
"Quigleforth Dylan Quagmire! You need rest, and food, how can you save Violet if you're dead?"
"I'm no help anyways,"
"That's not true, what happened was beyond your control,"
"I should've been outside with her, I should-"
"Quigley, shut up, you can sit here all day thinking about what you could've done, or you can start brainstorming ways to get her back," Isadora sternly told him, "which one is it going to be?"
"I'm going to get her back, and then I am going to ask her to marry me," Isadora faced palmed, "I'd wait until after your FIRST date at the least,"
"And then we are going to build a mansion, have three kids, and three hamsters."
"I'm not even going to say anything," Klaus said when Isadora gave him a 'help me out' kind of look, but he was focusing on trying not to laugh. "Quigley, get your head out of the fucking clouds and help come up with a plan,"
"Hey guys!" Duncan swung the doors open.
"Duncan, your timing skills are as nonexistent as Klaus's hatred for books,"
"But he-"
"Quigley you look like shit," Duncan said sitting next to him on the couch.
"So do you, but I have a reason,"
"And that is,"
"He hasn't ate anything in the last Seventy-two hours, he has barely slept,"
"Quigley, how about you get some sleep while we make a plan, and we can rescue my sister, okay?" Klaus suggested.
"Okay," Quigley mumbled, walking out of the room.
"Hello, sweetheart," Omar's voice echoed as he entered the room.
"Omar, what do they want with me, I have been here three days, and they have stayed away, why can't I go home?"
"You know, you are very beautiful,"
"How drunk are you?"
"Why don't we," Omar brushed her cheek with his fingers, "have some fun?"
"First of all, I'm in a relationship, second of all, eww, third of all, you are eighteen and drunk, I'm okay," Violet told him as she swatted his hand away.
"I'm seventeen,"
"Like that's any better," Violet bitterly remarked, Omar sat on the corner of her bed. "When are you going to stop messing around with Quigleforth and see what's right in front of you," He asked as he leaned in front of her.
"What I see is an asshole who is drunker than his father had ever been, and he is seventeen years old,"
"You can't hurt me, Vi, is it?"
"Violet, my name is Violet,"
"Like I care, babe,"
"Don't call me 'babe'," Omar shrugged and laid on the spot next to her. "Marry me,"
"Why not?"
"Good night, Omar, you know where the door is," Violet turned on her side and closed her eyes. "Good night sweetheart," Omar replied exiting the room and locking the door. 'Oh how I miss Quigley,' Violet thought to herself.
Quigley woke up at five in the morning, eighteen hours after he fell asleep. He drowsily walked in the kitchen and began to make himself some eggs. "Who's there?" Isadora yelled with a harpoon gun in her hand, Quigley put his arms up, "It's just me, Issy,"
"Oh, thank god. Quigley you gave me a fucking heart attack. Oh good, you're finally eating something," she told him.
"I'm sorry,"
"Sorry for what?"
"For not sleeping not eating, driving you completely mad, the problem is I don't want to lose her again, I want to find her as soon as possible,"
"We will find her, I promise," Isadora told him.
"What happened when I fell asleep?"
"We came up with a plan, are you rested?"
"Well enough,"
"Good morning, milady,"
"That is a disease,"
"Malady, look it up genius, I don't define words like my brother,"
"Or your father," he mumbled.
"Oh right, you don't know,"
"Don't know what?"
"Well if I tell you, I want something in return,"
"What do you want Omar?"
"A kiss would do,"
"No fucking way, I'm not cheating on Quigley for you to lie to me,"
"Oh, Violet, have I ever lied to you?"
"Oh, well, shit,"
"What happened to it wasn't proper to swear?"
"I said it wasn't ladylike,"
"You haven't met Isadora then,"
"When did I lie to you?"
"You seriously don't remember?" Omar shook his head, "you said, and Klaus is my witness, you wouldn't harm us, and you would help us escape your father,"
"I didn't harm you guys,"
"You didn't harm Klaus, and you didn't harm Sunny,"
"Violet if this is about the submarine-"
"This is very much about the submarine, I told you I kissed Quigley and you went crazy! You know, before I never hated you, I hated Olaf, but after that, I despised you," Violet hissed.
"As I remember, you weren't completely against it," Violet slapped him, "okay, I deserved that,"
"You think?"
"Why don't you go take a shower, there are clothes in the closet, and yes, the bathroom door locks, I'll be out of your hair," Omar walked out of her room and locked the door, once more.
"Did you tell him the plan?" Duncan asked, coming into the room where Isadora and Quigley were chatting. "Yes, we're going to break into Esme's and kidnap her,"
"Yea, but do you know you are not going in?"
"What? I am Violet's boyfriend, I will be the one that saves her,"
"Is that official?"
"Yes, I am Violet's boyfriend, and I am going to propose to her tonight when she is safe in my arms,"
"Can we bury your proposal until she's safe?" Isadora asked him.
"Yeah, fine," Quigley responded when Klaus walked in the room.
"Good, we're all awake, now it is Saturday, Quigley, Esme will be expecting us Monday. I found the blueprints for Violet's prison and we figured out her room. There is only one, very small window at the corner of the room, and she is on the second floor. We ended up contacting Jacqueline, she'll be here to pick us up at eight, she'll have all the supplies. Who's ready to jailbreak Violet?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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