Part 2

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Violet Malina Baudelaire sat in the skipper seat of the small sail boat as it gilded onto the shore. "Briny Beach," Klaus sighed.
"Well, at least we're back on land," Violet told him, Beatrice started fussing, Violet pulled the girl out of Klaus's arms, "I know, you're tired, we're going to go night night soon,"
"Why must you speak to her like a baby, if you want her to start speaking and reading sooner than speak to her as an adult,"
"Since when are you her legal guardian, no wonder Mother alway had me take care of Sunny,"
"Can you two not fight?" Sunny asked them.
"Sorry Sunshine," Violet and Klaus said at once. "How about we go the the Last Safe Place?" Violet suggested.
"It beats being on the beach," Klaus answered
"And it looks like it's going to start raining soon,"
Violet handed Klaus and Sunny their bags, and picked up her own backpack, "Let's see if we can make the trolley,"
"Aren't you kids out a little late?" The trolley operator asked.
"Yes, we lost track of time at the beach,"
"Well, where would you kids like to go?"
"The ruins of the Hotel Denouement, please,"
"How do you know about these tunnels?" Isadora asked her brother. "I spent a lot of time down here after the fire, and we just need to open this door, aaaand ta-da, welcome to the last safe place," Isadora looked at where her brother took her. There were two of leather couches across from each other, there was two bunk beds, and bookshelves lining the room. "Is there-"
"Yes, through that door there is a kitchen and through the other one is an office that contains all the secrets of VFD," Quigley told her.
Quigley heard some familiar voices in the tunnel from the Hotel, "I'll be right back," Isadora still followed him.
"Well, well, well if it isn't the Baudelaire orphans,"
"Omar? What the fuck are you doing down here?" Violet questioned, Omar Snicket was Kit and Olaf's son, Olaf is the one that raised him. "Is that my sister? Because I am her living relative,"
"No, she's my daughter," Violet answered.
"What's her name? Who's her father?"
"Her name is Beatrice-"
"Quagmire, I'm her father, sorry, my love I got a little lost," Quigley said as he pecked Violet's check.
"The map-lover got lost?" Omar questioned
"I don't know if you've noticed, they haven't made a map for these tunnels," Quigley answered. Omar, who thought they were lying (which they were), asked a question that would determine it so, "how old is she?" Violet, who was a great mathematician, quickly managed to figure out the answer, "She's seven months," Violet answered, Bea, who was very confused, decided to play along anyways, the baby looked at Quigley, who'd she had never even seen, "Dada!" She exclaimed.
"Yes, Bea?" Beatrice reached out for him.
"Sorry, Vi, she loves me more,"Quigley joked as he picked up the girl. "I'll see you guys around," Omar told them as he disappeared in the darkness of the tunnel. "Thank you," Violet told him, "and I missed you so much," Quigley wrapped his free arm around her, "I missed you too, where are the others?"
"Right here," Sunny mumbled as her an Klaus went over to them, "I have so much to laugh at right now, you two are never living this down,"
"And I am very confused," Isadora said, coming out of her hiding spot, "Isa, I told you to wait inside,"
"Your a father?" Isa asked as Violet and Quigley's faces went bright red. "No, he isn't, this is the child of Kit and Dewy Denouement, Kit's dying wish was that I'd take care of her, and not let her be taken by the wicked side or Omar," Violet explained, "thank god, Quigley was here, because Omar wouldn't believe me if I couldn't tell him about Beatrice,"
"Okay goodnight everyone," Quigley told them as he laid down on one of the couches, Violet was on the other one, Klaus and Isadora were on one of the bunk beds (Isadora was on the top, they wrestled for it) sunny and Beatrice were on the other one (with Sunny on the top and a barricade around Beatrice on the bottom). "Goodnight moron, goodnight bookworm, goodnight Sunny, Beatrice and Violet,"
Both Quigley and Violet were having trouble sleeping that night, eventually, Violet got up and went into the office, Quigley followed her. "Vi?"
"I need to tell you something,"
"I do to,"
"At once?" Quigley asked, Violet nodded.
"I love you," They told each other at once. Before Quigley could even blink, Violet passionately kissed him. "You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that,"
Quigley pulled her back in for another kiss.
Klaus woke up and looked over at the couches to see Quigley and Violet were on one of them, together. "I feel like I missed something on Mortmain Mountain," He whispered to himself, he knew he was going to be murdered, but he decided to wake up Isadora. "Issy," he whispered from the top of the ladder. 'She's so beautiful when she sleeps, it's like cute little bear, because you know when it will awake, it'll probably kill you,' Klaus thought to himself.
"The fuck do you want, Quigley?" Isadora mumbled.
"It's Klaus,"
"God, you read my common place book, didn't you, that's a horrible impression by the way. He doesn't sound that manly," Klaus blinked.
"Isadora I don't know your middle name Quagmire, there's a something you need to see," Isadora woke up.
"Wait, Klaus?"
"Look down there,"
Isadora looked down at the couches, "So?"
"They are on the-"
"I know I saw, I just don't see what the big deal is, I mean from what Quigley told me, he's in love with her,"
"He what?"
"Violet didn't tell you did she?"
Violet heard Beatrice crying and quickly shot up, and noticed Quigley, she ran over to the bottom bunk and picked up the baby. "Good morning, lovely," Quigley drowsily mumbled, "what are we doing today?"
"Well, we need to go to the street Count Olaf lived on-"
"Why would you want to go back there?"
"There's a woman, named Justice Strauss, she can help us,"
"Isn't she the one that helped Count Olaf marry you?"
"Unintentionally, then we need to go to the bank, and then shopping,"
"Ugh, I don't want to see that annoying banker again,"
"Even Olaf hates him, but we'll just have to deal with it,"
"Why are we going shopping?"
"Quigley, we need to go shopping,"
Violet knocked on the door to Justice Strauss's house, assuming she still lives there and she is still alive of course. "Hello? Violet? Sunny? Klaus?"
"Hello Justice Strauss, may we come in?"
"Of course, come on,"

After filling Justice Strauss in on the whole situation, they all sat in the living room in silence. "Violet and Quigley will go to the bank, Klaus, Isadora, Sunny and Bea will stay here,"
"Uggghh fine,"
"Violet I'm going to ask you a question,"
"What happened with you and Omar?"
"What do you mean?"
"Violet, you know exactly what I mean," Violet took a deep breath.
"I'll tell you later," she whispered to him, Quigley barely reacted, knowing they are on a public trolley. "The bank," Violet and Quigley got off and went inside the building. "Jacqueline?" They questioned the woman before them at once. "Violet, Quigley, nice to see you, and together I might add,"
"Yes, can we make a make a withdrawal from our accounts,"
"And I need to get something from my family's jewel vault," Quigley added.
"We are hiding from the wicked side of VFD and you need jewelry?" Violet questioned, "do I need to question you sanity?"
Quigley chuckled, "that you do, my love," he replied. "Quigley, come with me, and Violet can you wait here,"
"Okay," Violet responded sitting down.
"I'm guessing you're here for the ring?" Jacqueline asked Quigley as they walked into the Quagmire vault. The Quagmire engagement ring has been passed down eight generations and Quigley was in inherit it. "Yes, that is exactly what am here for,"
"When are you going to propose?"
"When the time feels right,"
"Here it is," Jacqueline said opening the vault.
"How do you not know how to change a diaper?" Isadora asked Klaus.
"I don't know, Violet always does it,"
"Do you even know how to give Beatrice a bottle or does Violet always do that too?"
"Sunny knows,"
"You seriously need to be more independent, what if you're on a mission and you get caught by Esme, and Violet isn't there to pick the lock for you?"
"Well, I know you'll rescue me, after all you are my princess in shinning armor,"
"Okay, knight in distress," At that moment, Violet and Quigley entered into the house, "Thank God, I hate babysitting!" Isadora exclaimed.
"But Beatrice slept the whole time, as did Sunny,"
"I was referring to you, bookworm,"
"Okay, you two had fun then, ready to switch off?"
"Yes, please! I can't wait to go shopping!"
"Ugg, not this," Klaus mumbled.
After Klaus and Isadora left, Violet went into Sunny and Beatrice's room, to check on them, they were both fast asleep, Justice Strauss had two extra bedrooms and two living rooms, the second living room was located at the end of the hallway, it was basically another room. Violet entered it to see Quigley staring at a map, "You ready to tell me what happened?" Quigley asked his girlfriend as she slowly nodded.

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