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Catherine woke to her in her arms, and they were both covered in hickeys. The thrill of the knowledge that this is what she'd be waking up to from now on, not him, but her.

Catherine smiled at her, the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen. Her face was serene, peaceful, and Catherine could stare at her for hours, for eternity. Eventually she noticed someone was staring at her and her eyes fluttered open.

Her eyes adjusted for a moment before she smiled at Catherine gently, looking content. Catherine kissed her forehead gently.

"M'sorry I woke you up."

"S'okay." she replied, her hand resting on Catherine's chest.

Catherine pulled her closer, nuzzling her nose. She smiled and nuzzled back, now both hands splayed on her chest.

"I love you." Catherine murmured.

"Love you too" she replied.

Catherine kissed her softly, and relished the sigh of happiness that slipped from her lips at the action. Then, they were lip locked, softly kissing each other for longer than expected. Catherine pulled away and admired her again, her cheeks now tinted pink, and a gentle smile playing on her lips.

She buried her head in the crook of Catherine's neck, and Catherine cradled her protectively against her body. Soon she was asleep again, lulled by Catherine's body heat and protective hold.

Catherine smiled before falling asleep herself, content with her lover in her arms, safe.


The next time they woke up, she was trying to get out of bed to make breakfast, and Catherine was having none of that. She'd just gotten a shirt on (one of Catherine's) when Catherine wrapped her arms around her from behind and started planted open mouthed kisses along her neck.

She sighed and tilted her head, making it easier for Catherine to continue her pleasing assault. Catherine kissed up to her ear.

"Come back to bed."

She whined and turned so she could argue, but Catherine moved and kissed her soundly, easily slipping her tongue into her mouth. She relaxed against Catherine and pushed her own tongue into Catherine's mouth.

After a few moments of the heated kiss, Catherine pulled away from it, barely, their lips almost touching. She was close enough that she was leaning forwards, intoxicated by Catherine.

"Come back to bed." she whispered convincingly.

She pulled away, taking her arms and dragging her back. She abandoned the idea of getting up and making breakfast, following Catherine back in a daze. Catherine lowered herself on the bed and she crawled on top of her.

They kissed again, tongues exploring the others mouth before there was more than just kissing going on in the bed.


Once they successfully got out of bed Catherine showered, making her promise to wait for her so she could help with breakfast. The shock and delight on her face when Catherine asked her that made her glow.

Her heart was buzzing, and she couldn't stop smiling. All she could think about was azul. Those eyes that drew Catherine in those months ago were now hers. Catherine could kiss her when she wanted, Catherine could hold her close and protect her, Catherine could call the girl with those azul eyes her girlfriend.

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