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So Jane wasn't the only one dealing with some fun trauma.

Isn't that nice?

(Not really, but the point was sarcasm.)

Jane sighed and looked down at her sleeping figure. They spent hours telling each other what he'd done, and Jane found herself getting more and more pissed off for every scar she had on her back.

Too many, that's how many.

He apparently got drunk one night and decided that throwing knives at his girlfriend was an amazing idea.


Unfortunately for her, he was actually a good shot and hit her multiple times with a knife.

Isn't that fun.

Isn't that terrible.

Doesn't that just make you want to empty a 22 on someone with red hair and weight issues?


Jane doesn't realize she's scowling until her face starts to hurt, because it's only recently she's been given the freedom to not constantly smile and be polite.

(She was wildly confused at first when Jane was super happy about not having to be happy all the time, it became clearer later on.)

Her phone starts to buzz and Jane immediately snatches it up and runs outside before it wakes her up.

It was her mistake that she didn't check the caller ID.

"Hey baby, I've missed you."

Shit on a stick!

"Hey my love, how are you? I've missed you so much!"

It's a good thing that after her time with him, she's become quite good at lying.

And if you haven't noticed she's currently doing it through her teeth.

"I'm good, hey I need you to water my plants okay?"

"Of course."


Jane waits for it, she already knows what's about to happen and also knows how to get out of it.

By playing the dumb blonde card.

"What are you wearing?"

"Pajama's, it's night time over here."

He grumbles.

"And under?"

"A bra."

"You wear your bra to sleep?"



"I - bye."

He hangs up, and Jane rolls her eyes.

Just a week with her and she's already over him and his antics. A week with her and she's already realized that he isn't worth her time. He isn't good enough for her.

But she is.

She's better than he could ever be.

She wants her, for everything she is.

She wants her opinions.

She wants her affection.

She wants all of it.

He doesn't.

He just wants a toy, and Jane is so over being a toy.

Especially since with her she's a person, a human. She wants her to be happy.

Jane feels the bitterness in the back of her throat.

When she thinks of him it's no longer thoughts of impressing him, instead it's hate.

When she thinks of her it's butterflies, red cheeks, long nights, and -

Oh shit.


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